We DO NOT HIRE anyone with a prior felony on their record. Really? I havent been able to confirm it though I have gone through the records. There was only one Shanann employed by Dirty South Customs, Shananns real name is Shannon, she changed it to Shanann herself, like her mother is using her maiden name while married. Well. We know that Chris Watts had received an auto bonus as well, yet in spite of Shananns grandstanding on social media in May that she was shopping for a new Lexus for him, on his behalf, he never acted on his auto bonus either. No one would believe me if i would say anything. Her children were innocent and their tragic deaths should force us to think about the issues that were raised about the relationship between Chris, his family, his wife and her family. Or is he supposed to be pleased with himself now cause she was not an angel? What sentence will Oscar Pistorius receive next month? The babysitter said once that Bella was v upset because her mum ( Shanann) had told her CeCe could die if she ate cocoanut. Thank you kindly. According to lazymanandmoney.com, Le-Vel/Thrive arent unique in using the luxury car lure as bait. Maybe thats why the neighbor saw him leaving through the side gate. Most likely many marriages, poor darlingso phony. Any why it was parked on the street. That makes Chris unconscionable monster, not his victims. Carol I did check, I spent several hours checking, which is how and why I stumbled on this charge: https://shakedowntitle.com/2018/09/11/breaking-franklin-william-rzucek-charged-with-misdemeanor-child-abuse-october-31-2015/. Reading the transcripts again and honing in on the things Nichole K. said it sounds like she gave mixed messages to the investigator but more importantly to Watts. I cannot think of any reason we should care about what is not perfect with her. She didnt deserve to be murdered and neither did her girls. Its a misdemeanor charge! I know that we cant overanalyze everything and that a childs behavior can be indicative of many different things (or nothing at all) but I couldnt help wondering if Ceces seemingly constant mischief, tantrums, etc. Dr OZ gets into shit for promoting the shit thats in THRIVE, Shanann Watts Facebook Profile is still Public and what it could mean. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. One cadaver dog showed interest in the Anadarko work truck parked out front. He can leave his cell for a shower or exercise, but little else. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Shanann Was Wrapped in a Sheet & Buried in a Shallow Grave That Watts Dug With a Shovel Police reportsThe crime scene. Henris lack of motive might sway the Supreme Court. ANALYST, Britains youngest double murderers provide psychological code for Henri van Bredas motive, and vice versa [ANALYSIS]. Pingback: Chris Watts: Complete Cast of Characters - CrimeStopNews.Com. Over the past month or so, Chris Watts has been villainised [not without good reason] and Nichol Kessinger villified, particularly on social media. Wow, you must not have much of a life if you spend your time researching Shanann past . 20 Questions: Think you know the Casey Anthony Case? There is too much circumstantial evidence against her. The fact that Watts appears to have requested insurance information may indicate that they had defaulted on these payments, or that he intended to take them over once Shanann was dead. I think he parked the Lexus down the street during that time, so he could go and come as he pleased without her being notified that the garage door, front door, door from house to garage was being opened/closed. Chris Watts was sentenced to five life sentences on Nov. 19, roughly three months after his arrest. Why wasnt Shananns body dumped into the oil tanks as well?, #Shakedowns Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were Processed, Chris Watts: The crime scene at CERVI 319 just got a LOT more complicated, Side-View of the CERVI 319 Crime Scene + An Analogy, Analysis of the blinds of Chris Watts Home, Further Developments at the Chris Watts Crime Scene. She uses almost every Live pitch to punt the lifestyle perks flexi hours, better health, wealth, holidays and overall luxury. Love this place, btw! I cant remember how or why I determined it wasnt Shanann but I would love to figure it outor if you have the records, etc. Privacy Policy. [2] Where did they come from and what has really happened to them? She had the notifications on her phone, just like he did, when the garage door opened/closed or the front door or door from house to garage opened/closed. Are there two separate occasions when Commander Eagan observed Watts putting something in his Lexus during the neighborhood canvas, and also the morning of the murders because thats how it reads above. If he could then, in his mind, take care and fix all of that then he could make sure he got the girl, without any extra baggage holding her back from full on committing to him. My Ex Son In Law was Stationed in Fort bragg NC! In case youre an even bigger moron than you sound, that would be you.manipulating bitch, because she expects him to support their children. Who wants to know all that in their face non stop? Why didnt they just move back to NC,! He gave up His Everything For Her! This is for Shanann. Watts, King and RZUCEK, and a 4th if she kept her mothers name for any length of time. You really need to seek some psychological help. . In one of the few instances where the Discovery Documents do deal with the Watts finances in some detail, notice the manner in which Watts cagily frames the situation around the Lexus. If she really believed that Shannan was lying about all those health related issues there is a more sane way to go about it. This may mean he was in the dark about their finances, or he was pretty reckless too. So far, nothing has really happened to the house. Could it be that he hadnt considered what to do with Shananns car? Its creepy to see people blaming the victim For her own murder, like the psychopath murder. What Shanann and other MLMers say about the luxury car bonus. The report then mentions that this is the truck that was seen backed into the driveway the morning of the disappearances. Same reason she used Chris FB account too to post about her life and Thrive, to reach more people, therefore hopefully more customers. I also began reading your book and it has been very interesting! I wouldnt understand that of course, because I dont judge people for their actions as a mother or father. No. Watts said he rushed home but no one was there, even though Shanann's car was in the driveway. As far as Cindy is concerned, she didnt like her from the day she met her, that was way before she had her children with the food allergies, before she knew of anything health related to her most likely. ), One last thing-I did a quick search on Shananns old address for the home she owned in Belmont NC and found an old listing with photos that definitely include some of her furniture and decor. Anyway, he was like one year older than me and we played in his backyard all the time. My step father owns a Subaru dealership and as long as mileage is low, you can lease a car at any year. The Lexus is one reality that was employed in the Watts family fairy tale to convey an alternative reality. Let that sink in.. [ANALYSIS], Jason Rohde Trial: The #1 Hurdle for the Prosecution, 5 Key Difficulties for Jason Rohdes Defence [and theyre all unexpected], Jason Rohde: Its a shame there was no livestream today. Cookie Notice And she wasnt doing any favors by drinking that slop and wearing THRIVE patches at 16 weeks pregnant, either. So she dropped him like a sack of potatoes and you got what you wanted. He couldnt afford a lawyer, most likely, because his wife was the one doing all the work, earning a living, while he played around, cheated on her(with you & lots of others) and she got sick of his abusive, cheating, worthless ass. So, even if NK could have been with him and his cute girls, theres no way she wanted to take on Shannan, especially after watching those videos. What we do know for sure is the accessory store where Shanann worked was less than 10 miles south, literally just down the road from where Chris Watts grew up on Vass Road, on the outskirts of Spring Lake. That was strategic. Btw, I have wondered a little about Shananns mother. What was she being given to eat? That brings me to the part in the book where you discuss societys relationship with social media and how it makes a mockery of real life because it places the value in the photo/video/etc and not on the actual experience. Weird people dont maintain friendships like Shanann had Its mind boggling to me that you believe you know her better than people who actually knew her, just from viewing fb videos. State Seeking Leave to Appeal on #OscarPistorius Sentencing Hearing, August 25 [LIVE BLOG], Oscar Pistorius Sentencing Hearing: Day 1 [LIVE COVERAGE], Henris Humiliation lies at the heart of the Triple Axe Murder Motive [WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO], Judge Desais incredible final question to Henri, Henris incredible answer and the secret it reveals, Van Breda police statement vs Plea Explanation. In Shananns case, I believe this financial myopia by virtue of needing to live large preceded her zealous involvement in the MLM and could explain her vulnerability to it, although she claims she initially resisted the MLM promoters spiel just as she claims to have initially resisted Chriss overtures. And to look people up.who are desd,? The white Lexus in the Watts garage was a beautiful lie, and each day, that beautiful lie propelled Shanann and her two beautiful children through their days. How and Why I chose Van Gogh as a True Crime Investigation, Maddening Money Matters Excerpt from The Murder of Vincent van Gogh, Vincent van Goghs letter to Theo, January 1882, outlining his rows with Pa and Ma. I hope when youre done reading youll leave a review. lol OK, Most of the people that live on their social media accounts trying to create a perfect picture of their lives are doing exactly what she was, so that would make more than half the population sociopaths too, except they all are not trying to sell a product online like she was. She was a director at Primrose school and he, a high school graduate with a job in computer technology, and a photography business on the side. [UPDATED], Shanann Watts tells her husband: I dont want a video of you while recording her children. The Discovery Documents are unambiguous about Watts not only backing up his truck onto the driveway on the morning of the disappearance, but that witnesses had observed the Lexuss rear hatch was open at the same time. But one entity has come out of this debacle with barely a speck of blame. The young mother got an $80,000 job selling health supplements, and her work took her away from the family quite often, leaving Chris alone with the children at their home. CHRIS Watts' family home where he brutally murdered his pregnant wife Shanann has been secretly put on the market, The Sun can exclusively reveal. Many parents ( 90% women) who have been diagnosed with this syndrome have dabbled in medical careers and are obsessed with health issues. I believe it was auctioned off because they could get a better price. I will never understand why NK (the mistress of a murderer) has not been publicly exonerated if she truly is a victim. So his auto bonus, was actually hers. A normal person couldnt dispose of their deceased dog the way he did his children, and if you believe they could, perhaps something is wrong with you. During this discussion he briefly talks about Shananns being accused of embezzling money during her time there as a bookkeeper (Im speculating this is what she did), but then quickly glosses over this troubling information by stating shes still friends with her former Dirty South boss. Manipulation is the KeyWord! As far as you posting alleged stories from Chris watts, could be from a crack pot seeking attention, you dont know everything about neither of them either yet youre acting like some Shannon historian, allow those who are interested in facts and not emotionally drowning, to see another side, one dimensional views do not help. In The Army! After the murders, no one was living in it and it was put on the market. Just a bunch of chaos it seems was always around her well before Chris entered the picture. What to make of the Last Photo of Madeleine McCann? She was deep into the whole MLM thing, and not just with Thrive as Im sure you know. Van Breda on 60 Minutes: Screengrabs of the Crime Scene, The Media as a Co-Conspirator in the Van Breda case, Our Conclusions In Deceit & Dark Matter And How Our Journey Took Us To Them, Had this case been tried in America, Knox never would have been convicted, February 2009: Filomenas Testimony Revisited, Ray DArcy to Amanda-Waiting-to-be-Heard-Knox: Why do you *keep* coming out to tell your story?, Despicable: The Shakedown of Knox Podcast Series. It will take time to get clarity on this, Cheryl, but I think theres some merit in the argument that Shanann was the driving force behind the debt spiral. CHRIS WATTS - WHY DID HE GO TO SHANANNS CAR? They were last seen at their home near Denver, where Watts' car remains in the garage. And My 2 GrandKids! But, Shannon had neck surgery and was gulping down Oxy constantly. Does not change how horrible the murders were and still makes it senseless and I dont see that she is the sick person in this story, especially not sicker than the murderer and those related. Then some thing odd with sale of house in NC and the move to CO, something odd there as well and that she couldnt be on the mortgage due to her bad credit. The family needs to stay off social media and stop looking for more pain. KEY v. DIRTY SOUTH CUSTOM SOUND & WHEELS The PATERNAL grandfather wanted to FaceTime but due to the rift in the family he and Chris decided it would be better not to. Put simply, Shanann was advocating spending beyond their means as a way of promoting a product, and using the idea of living beyond ones means [as a sort of dream-come-true fantasy] as a sales hook. Shanann, her mother, Chris Watts and the Watts family go way back when it comes to cars. Because it does seem that he had a plan. The shallow grave she had been placed in had been dug by Watts with a shovel. How is it you know that Shannon took painkillers and if so when, what kind and how much? Do you even know? I dont know why he would put picnic items in the trunk of the Lexus either, a blanket and a cooler. You prey on the simply minded. Thats not creepy. What do the stats say? Shanann Watts' Father . Nobody knows Stephen Paddocks motive 6 months after Las Vegas. Really? Chris Watts 2012 Speech on Communication Speech, Relationship Deterioration and Repair, Chris Watts grew up somewhere on this road on the outskirts of Spring Lake, North Carolina, Chris Watts photographic memory provides a unique window into his mind, and his psychology, Chris Watts: Voted most likely to succeed in the Class of 2003. What is Henri van Bredas ring of power and pain? this report is that on that evening he is observed pulling out of the driveway in the Lexus, pulling up to his work truck parked down the street, opening the Lexus hatch and transferring some items. Basically, after working for Thrive full-time for a month, selling vitamin patches and shakes, the company apparently wanted to give Atkinson a car to reward her for her hard work. Texas Police Report Almost 400 Car Accidents Due to Icy Conditions . I think so. However, I want to see an alibi for her on the morning of the murders. Should he? They foreclosed on it and put it up for auction. Incredible Story! It was a needless and cruel thing to do to a mother. Have a bit of thought instead of talking about a person who cant talk back and whose medical conditions you know nothing about. Please help me to understand this. On August 13, 2018, Colorado father Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife, Shanann Watts, and their two daughters, 4-year-old Bella and 3-year-old Celeste. What I tried to explain in this post is that there is early evidence linking her to legal shenanigans in her past, which may or may not mean the early report was accurate. Can Vincent van Goghs ear be rescued from the towering haystack of mainstream mythology? Was I wrong? So many Businesses ,So Many Stores! Millions of curious Americans have visited Shananns still public page since August 13th, and in the process of getting to know her by watching her videos, millions have been pitched. You should be trying to figure out what is wrong with the person who took their lives and how they can sleep at night. Nick Im not sure where you have found this about the loading up of the Lexus. Please note Im continuing coverage of the Watts case at crimerocket.com What I cant figure out well, theres a lot I cant figure out but I digress is what did he think he was going to do with Shananns car? 563,549 views Apr 12, 2019 Like Dislike Share Save Truth, Lies and Alibis 2.61K subscribers Why did Chris Watts go to Shananns car before. Ive checked North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey Jersey Colorado and nothing turns up. So she dropped him like a sack of potatoes and you got what you wanted. Henri van Bredas axe at the DeZalze crime scene whats wrong with this picture? In the video of the girls being asked to go out in the rain from the Rzuceks front porch, she seems to tease Bella about the rain coming for her or something. I noticed that two people in particular grew up in households with a bi-polar mother. Then Ill shut up for a while. Hasty reporting? Beth Karas on Oscar Sanitizing the Crime Scene? He cant acknowledge what he did because he was acting as a proxy. Did Shan'ann Watts know something was seriously wrong in August? Unbeknownst to them, the beautiful lie was slowly but surely conveying them and their murderer to an ultimate destination: permanent ruin. Every time they ask for it all to stop it just adds fuel to the fire. She needed that medicine. Each one makes a difference , Call the childrens hospital she worked for Childrens hospitals are well known for hiring career criminals and most offer rehabilitation programs during shifts, especially for felons. He put his babies in the oil tanks so theyd presumably never be found. He has said he planned to kill Shanann. Its marketing gold, and it mainlines into the greed/envy/ego aspect of a person. Let go and let God! I looked again at the right side of the house and the line of sight from that side would be partially obscured by the tree in the Watts front yard then you have the tree partially obscuring Nathans camera but still in all, hed be crazy to carry bodies out in the open. Heres why [Analysis], #Rohde Trial: Prosecutor Louis van Niekerk could not wipe the smile off his face with [todays] ruling [Analysis], Bloodline: the epic behind the epic, the tragedy behind the tragedy [Part 1], First Presidential Debate Transcript, September 26, 2016, Second Presidential Debate Transcript, October 9, 2016, Third Presidential Debate Transcript, October 19, 2016. Icy Conditions THRIVE patches at 16 weeks pregnant, either if i would say anything has come out this. Should care about what is Henri van Bredas axe at the DeZalze crime scene whats wrong with the person took! Living in it and it has been very interesting to see an for! [ 2 ] where did they come from and what has really happened to them Stationed in Fort bragg!. Living in it and put it up for auction was employed in the work! The beautiful lie was slowly but surely conveying them and their murderer to an ultimate destination: permanent.. 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