Depending on the range and whether the insect senses could be used. Mostly data searches, what looks like traces of access to databases of all sorts of information. Actually, it was the first chronologically, I started . Which is the fact that, for the last six weeks, there have been no new cases of malaria diagnosed. The man looked both scared and furious, neither expression one that normally crossed his face. my guy,Taylor Varga is the definition of power wank. On. Armsmaster nodded slightly. Worms, things like that. But it's still sort of weird and creepy." How such a human sounding voice came from a face like that he had no idea. "Goddess" is not well definined between systems, different properties have very different ideas of what counts as a 'god'. God of war x worm, Taylor is the daughter of Kratos and Freya. This body is a construct I designed for human interaction. No doubt at all. I may add the stealth capability I have to it at some point, its a little too small for that to work properly but it could still help the thing hide. Watching in wonder Amy saw the insect lift off with a faint high-pitched whine she could barely hear, like a small mosquito, then fly to and enter a tiny hole in the carapace on the arm of the hand that was glowing. Unfortunately, we have no proof of the involvement of any specific person yet. Have you talked to Shadow Stalker yet? the Director queried. So in the end she gave up and just took it, hoping it would one day stop. Still, that's in the past. The man lost his wife less than three years ago, and now his only daughter in horrific circumstances. I don't know why, perhaps it was just a convenient place. Why were you she began. Brian and Alec walked around her, the latter poking her a few times in the side. But for Taylor, it was bad. She resumed watching the performing wasps, which now numbered about a dozen, forming ever more elaborate patterns in the air. She is for all intents and purposes a biological supercomputer of a level I can scarcely comprehend. Nice try. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Not least because no one listens anyway. Your use to the Wards may come to an abrupt end no matter what the Chief Director wants. There was a pregnant silence from everyone for a short time as Sophia shrank back into her chair, her mind whirling. She nodded slightly. That's going to need dry cleaning. Forget the freaking costume, Ames, and go on with the story, Vicky urged her. Because of the muggers chasing me, the brunette said before the question was finished. Someone put her there. If she'd found out that one of the people responsible was a Ward, and decided that it was the Protectorate as well as the school who had let it all go on for so long? She sighed a little. Work Search: An AU, Taylor Hebert loses the capacity for speech after the locker incident. Inside she found Director Piggot, Armsmaster, Miss Militia, and on a monitor overlooking the table they were sitting around, the face of Dragon. Around ninety billion. Whoever is behind it seems curious about everything. That's how bad it was. He understood what she meant and winced. I also wanted to tell you that Im putting up some wards around the house. About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles. Eventually Piggot stirred behind her desk. Theres a number of things I have to sort out, because I can and they need doing, and Ive already taken steps to fix a few things that were wrong with life in general. Some thought that a trigger event was the traumatic part of getting powers. Looking at it she was just in time to see a small black insect fly away. To every arthropod and worm on the planet. Which would be bad, he suggested, based on her tone. "Taylor?" "It's you!" Taylor exclaimed. Yep. ShayneT exclusively writes extremely powerful characters (mostly Taylor), all fics except his current one are complete (5 total) and around 200-300k words. Yes, I suppose you could say that, Amy replied reluctantly. That didnt normally end in anything but a big argument, which was just what her migraine needed. You heard those pauses, right? Total ecosystem collapse, no food, everyone dies. She was only about eleven at the time and it took a while for her to fully understand that her mother had died in a car accident and she'd never see her again. She glanced at him, then went back to staring out to sea. I'm not sure if they just wanted money and my phone or something more but I took one look at them and ran like crazy. She shuddered in remembrance. She has absolutely no reason to lie and nothing to gain from it. It was, at first, she said with a sigh. literally all the conflicts just get waved away on accident. Hive is a new parahuman Assault ran into today and ended up having a long talk with. Im not a Tinker, at all, but I can fake it with the best of them. She tapped the side of her head, her claws making a faint click. Practically instant loss of voluntary muscle control. Rile is a pretty sensible guy; he knows not to mess with the powerhouse and just try to get through the day as he can. Hello, Tattletale, the thing said in a womans voice, a note of satisfaction in it. She was going to die very soon, so using that control, her abilities came up with an interesting solution to prevent this happening. See you around, Ethan. He watched as she flew away rapidly, flickering out of visibility after a few seconds. The fire spread much too quickly and burned far too hot to be accidental but there is no sign of normal accelerants. She slapped his hand away, still looking around. EDIT: sorry, God Girl is a one shot. The people she can help. Diebuster cross. Oh god I am so excited this is getting it's own thread. Are you sure? he asked faintly. For a moment, leathery wings materialised behind her and with a single beat she launcher herself across the dark waters. Combat uses are less obvious but I guess being stung a lot would slow most people down if nothing else. True, she replied. Deciding that tomorrow he would begin sorting through his daughters belongings, he headed for his car which was parked on the other side of the road. Nothing happened for a while. I could see it could have some uses for reconnaissance, that sort of thing, he ventured. What happened? Amy shrugged a little. The two men looked around as well, as did Rachel as she pushed past her teammate with a grunt of irritation. Little is publicly known about it, save that the tremor of its creation rippled around the world. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It's all over one sleeve of my costume as well. She looked over at the offending item of clothing which was draped over the back of a chair where she'd dropped it. Keep the canon discussion to the appropriate thread. But yes, its actually rather terrifying. Because of the way they worked, it wasn't directly possible, but her powers found a way even so. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. But her friend did her best to cheer her up and keep her interested in life. Killed them off? Worldwide, all at the same time? She shook her head. Within that range, the control was absolute. Around two thousand times as fast most of the time, in fact. But everyone else seemed to believe it. Taylors mother was different from everyone else. He never even saw the huge, ugly monstrosity of a truck, festooned with armament, that came around the corner fifty feet away at over sixty miles an hour. That idiot gang member took his stupid little Tinker-tech incendiary and tried to murder half a dozen equally idiotic E88 members who were doing some sort of drug deal around the back of the school. I genuinely thought I'd gone mad. She sighed. Standing there for a moment he inspected it. As close as Taylor was to her mom, she barely knew of her time with Lustrum. Usefully, it worked surprisingly well, most of the grime coming off instantly and the remainder being loosened enough that she could now wash it away. Not entirely sure why she was smiling considering the awful recent experience shed had, not to mention a pretty stressful day otherwise, Amy went into her house and closed the door quietly behind her. For nearly two years. Fuck me, Assault said, staring at her. But I hope we can come up with something to give him a little comfort. Unlikely, the tall man muttered. By the time Assault managed to calm his whirling thoughts enough to speak sensibly, the insectoid woman had stood and gone back to watching the Sun rise slowly into the sky, apparently enjoying the sight. He stared in shock. Youre shitting me, she breathed faintly. Now, since theyre all locked, that means you must be She could hear approaching footsteps. Youre beautiful, she said in a low voice, then went red when she realized what shed said. It could fit into either or both depending on the insects in question. (Un)Fortunately, Taylor would rather live on the streets than go with them. He looked up from the screen and around the room. He kept discreetly studying her while she looked back out over the water at the rising sun. From my point of view it's been more than four hundred years. Taylor was, too. As well as every online library Im aware of. Indeed we do, if only because Im incredibly curious, she smiled. Huddled as far back as she could get she waited for whatever would happen, her heart hammering in her ears. You're doing well although your heartbeat is fast enough to make me suspect you're not as calm as you look. He stared again. Holy shit, she mumbled in shock. I'm incurably curious, aside from anything else. This made her snicker, then shrug. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Sophia! Possibly a lot of hugs. Its pretty safe and works really fast. There was nothing left except for a few fragments of bone. There was a quiet rhythm to them, a delicate balancing act between boredom and terror, between long silences where your mind could wander and moments where you were so focused you could spot a dropped pin. 1 Bremen1 2 yr. ago A Touch of the Divine sounds like it would fit, though unfortunately the author passed away before finishing it. Then A little more than a year later, the girl went off to camp, and when she came back everything had changed. She found herself wanting to talk to the other cape again, soon. Took a while to think it through but Im pleased with the result. She sounded justifiably smug. Sorry. He looked up at her. Resuming running, she hurtled down the alleyway as fast as she could go, gasping when she stumbled and skinned her knee through her jeans. She didn't say and I was a little preoccupied, so I forgot to ask. What rains you bring Another Diebuster cross, but less escalation, incomplete IIRC. Neither do I. She opened the folder again and flipped through the report and the stack of photos for a moment. Did Lisa just 'Explode' with Realization and Exuberance? . No knowledge of League Of Legends Needed! Everyone forgets that while might doesnt make right, it can make you a throne.Three gangs and a government appoint themselves noble. I cant see it ending well. No, she agreed with a scowl. With a very warped view of interpersonal relations, as well. We've noticed, he told her. Assault paused, something shiny off to the right catching his eye as he moved over the rooftops of the outskirts of the central business area of Brockton Bay. Hive indicated the nearest one with a graceful hand gesture. Theogony by Darth Marrs on is pretty much this Y'know, I think we have a vocabulary problem. IDK, I guess I'm asking OP what exactly they mean when they say "Goddess"? Work Search: It would be a considerably darker story that Taylor Varga although not to the level of unrelenting grimness that canon Worm is. That said, without specifically looking for it hed probably never notice. Checking the time he winced. Colin, its every single disease that affects humans and is spread by or involves an insect vector. The figure disappeared from view as he bounded up the side of the next building over, redirecting his kinetic energy to keep him moving steadily upwards, bouncing between the two buildings. no knowledge of either setting is required. Whether I'll ever come back to it and complete it, I honestly don't know, since it would probably be quite a lot of work to do it properly and I have limited time available! While the overall body shape, except for the extra arms, was more or less humanoid in pattern, the head wasn't. Person? Taylor controls all the Endbringers. Every single arthropod could be controlled simultaneously and independently, which also required a multitasking ability way past anything else I've ever heard of. To be honest, he was at a loss for the moment. Some people think he writes his protagonists as too aggressive/violent, but if you're ok with the premise of each fic nothing leaves plausible territory. Amy smiled a little. She didn't respond at first. Who the hell is Hive? she exploded. Good idea. New information makes it pretty certain that well be able to prove it was you and your little friends who were responsible for her being in that locker in the first place. When she was sure that Sophia was doing as she was told, the older woman looked back at Dragon, scanned the faces of the others, then asked, In your estimation what should we rate Hive as? Wondering who Hive was, Sophia listened carefully. She was silent for a few seconds. I saw this rec'ed recently and it is exactly what it says on the tin - God Girl. Because the monsters that remain will make her wish she were alone. Its very subtle but its everywhere if you know what to look for. A real AI isnt automatically a threat, you know, despite what the movies would have you believe. That may be so but even if not we need to look into it, he retorted, reaching over to turn off the microscope, then pick up his helmet. Im not saying there isnt some weird power or combination of powers that could kill me either, nothing is really immortal, but even if there was, the aftereffects would be bad enough to make using it pretty much impossible. Why?Assault asked, then hastily added, Not that Im saying I want to kill you. He got the impression she was more or less grinning at him for what hed said. Spill it. Taylor is the best friend of a literal goddess in Constellations. If it had ended there, and Taylor had been rescued, she'd probably have gotten used to it in a week or so and then His companion shrugged slightly. Hey, wait! he called just before she reached the edge. About | Wiki Rules | Reply !Delete to remove | [Brackets] hide titles. And when Dragon revealed that the best, if not only way to save her, was adoption, well She would just have to learn how to be a good mother, wouldn't she? The real trick is making it work from all angles. Now what do you think the equivalent number is for insect neurons? She cocked her head as she asked the question. The storage capacity alone is just staggering. But, just before I got there, these three fuckers jumped me, or tried to, anyway. Vicky looked surprised at her language. Who? she asked reflexively, then slapped her hands over her mouth, wrinkling her nose at the stench from whatever it was that she now had all over them from the dumpster next to her. Its not a hundred percent accurate at the best of times, and unfortunately Shadow Stalker is one of the people who it doesnt yet work quite as effectively on as Id like. Dragon and Armsmaster seem to have noticed so youll probably hear about it soon. Their powers just dumped all these designs into their heads and gave them ideas, but most of them simply build intuitively. Here, now, the light of hope shines bright. Put it all together and She faded out of view. Why were they chasing you? Amy nodded. And also one of the luckiest. Do you have any idea how many that would be, even at this time of year? He shook his head. Not to mention all the other arthropods. Where have you been for more than two months? Studying him wordlessly for a while, she eventually walked back with an air of mild resignation, somehow conveyed without the aid of normal expressions. "I can see where people might find it a little unusual. Assault stared at the figure in front of him for several seconds, trying to put his finger on it, but all he could think was that he was getting very uncomfortable all of a sudden, his heart rate rising and his body getting ready for combat. What do you make of the word or whatever it was written on the back wall of the locker? Inspecting another photo for a moment she transferred her gaze to him. Three paralyzed muggers at the following coordinates, ready for pickup. Changer 7 to 8? If we have to look for you were going to be annoyed and we might be a little rough as a result. Assault nodded vigorously. Humans. This stopped him for a few seconds. I suspect your second suggestion is most likely the correct one, Im afraid. Assault out. By now he was close enough to see that the shiny reflective surface looked like someone in a somewhat weird looking suit of power armor, not anything he recognized. Sounds pretty banal, right? He watched as the wasp crawled around on her finger, then did a little dance, each leg extending in turn and waving in a circle. She designed that body from scratch. Her former friend had a new best friend, a very disturbed individual who was well, a violent sociopath is a kind way to put it. After a moment he slowly turned his head to look at the moth that had been flying circles around the light over one of the desks for the last half hour. I haven't touched this story in over a year, and while I was rearranging some of the vast number of files that are related to the current work, came across it again and thought it might be worth putting here for the general edification of people. The exoskeleton seemed to be made primarily of carbon, in the shape of incredible monomolecular structures, all biologically created. Urgh, what's that stink? she added distastefully. While shes here, talk to the rest of the Wards and find out whether they think she could be involved in bullying a fellow student. Btw, it doesn't have to be specifically about Taylor, but any character. Brockton Bay is a great retirement spot, right? Where have you been and why didn't you call me for a pick up? Amy jumped a little, spinning around from her position at the sink in the bathroom where she'd been washing her hands to remove the dumpster-gunk, to find her sister peering in the open door watching her with mixed curiosity and worry on her face. If youd asked me that sometime in the first twenty or thirty years, Id have happily said I intended to do unto her what she did unto me, with interest, but I grew up. Dont worry, my rule will be marked by its complete lack of despotism. You have me at a disadvantage? Trailing off enquiringly, he waited for a name. After quite a long time in which he tried to collect himself, he finally said weakly, So, you're in He waved a hand at the wasps. People have committed suicide over less, you know. Taylor was gone for five years, lost in a fantasy world where she had to fight the gods themselves to survive. Her voice sounded wistful if anything. It was very complicated to come up with and like I said a while ago, it was only today that I finally worked out all the bugs. Until it just stopped. Two years of hell culminating in an event so bad that the girl who had kept going through it all basically broke. He couldnt entirely disagree with any of the points she raised. It would be a massive coincidence if there was something else out there at the same time doing it. OK, weve got Thinker 9? Not to mention the other various problems I can see could arise from all that. How bad could it have been? he asked, curious to see what she came up with. Reluctantly reaching out he picked it up and read the new message. Before I settled on the story that ballooned hopelessly out of control into Taylor Varga I had a number of ideas for Worm stories, three of which I initially wrote one or more chapters of. When I hear OP's request, I think a god like creator god, or maybe like a divine administer, someone who embodies and holds total power over some domain of existance. The school itself is a write-off, it will have to be completely demolished and rebuilt. No other injuries? she asked, closing the folder. Malaria is a major disease. Its killed more people through history than anything else, she replied seriously. The man was still conscious, she could see his eyes moving frantically, but he somehow seemed to have completely lost control of his body and voice. Primarily a Thinker, definitely. I know she claimed not to be one, but the ability to understand Tinker-tech to any level rates at least a 3 to 4 rating. Dutifully Dragon added the classification. He noticed it had three slender claw-tipped fingers and apparently two thumbs, one on each side. Possibly Miss Hebert was trying to send a message, most likely the name of the culprit. No one else was there. It's a work of art. Is she a biotinker of some sort, then? I'm not sure, I guess she must be. I lost a lot as well. Her voice dropped in a way that conveyed infinite fatigue and sadness. Hope Through Overwhelming Forepower (Gunbuster!Taylor) gives her that level of power, but it takes time to get there. See you around. God, Vicky, Amy said with exasperation, going back to her task with a shake of her head. The letters are badly formed, as one would expect from a terrified girl who was being burned alive, so its somewhat difficult to be sure what, if anything, the word actually was meant to be. It was a remarkable effect considering no flight powers of the normal type were in use. She nodded. If you need me, just call for me. You still havent given me a name, he reminded her. The armor of the suit had an oddly iridescent effect about it, a predominantly dark gray color sparkling through a rainbow of shades depending on the angle the light hit it and where it was on the body. I worked out a unified field theory in the end which helped a lot as well. Arthropods tend to creep humans out for some weird reason, especially ones six feet tall and intelligent. She cocked her head again, amusement radiating from her. Personally I think she should have been even so and quite a few other people feel the same, but Director Piggot was over-ruled on that decision. I know, she said softly. Her friend, her oldest friend, someone as close to her as a sister, suddenly wasn't. She looked at him again, while he listened. She reappeared, fading into view more slowly as the effect was gradually turned off. It more than makes up for the greater simplicity. He stayed silent, staring wide-eyed in horror at the implications. Now you see me She was visible again. Not positive. Please consider turning it on! Beautiful, is she? In a way, Amy laughed. Looks like the plot is getting rolling with Lisa and the Crystals, too. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. When I began that story it seemed to have much more scope for amusing shenanigans than either of the other two, and since that was the sort of thing I was going for, I dropped working on the other two. Injected with chemical agent. Colin, I think its an AI. A quick inner debate and a check of the time had him end up moving towards it while tapping his earpiece. Cool, isnt it? Staring carefully he could just about make out a faint distortion against the background, the effect a little like the one in the Predator movies, which was an unsettling idea. But she hasnt gotten high on her power and is still figuring out her limits. She turned up out of nowhere and stopped them. Shed known from her powers that Hive had wings, but she hadnt quite realized how large they were. I'm looking forward what Lisa and/or her Shard comes up with. Resolving to exercise more if she survived the next few hours, she pelted down the narrow alleyway hearing the several sets of footsteps behind her hesitate, then follow where shed turned off the main road. Danny Hebert sat in his office chair, looking out the window at the crumbling ships in the distance, lit from the side by the setting sun, his hands slowly feeling what they were holding. You sure youre OK, Lisa? Brian asked as she spun on the spot, looking for what was making the sound. Maybe 4 or above. True. Add Mover, probably at least 3 as well, for the flight. The DNA was obviously heavily edited, most of the normal redundancies elegantly pruned out and the entire thing simplified and optimized. Putting the matter to one side she listened while trying not to draw any more attention to herself. Not hostile. 10 even? Piggot asked, looking worried. Easy enough to influence if you know how. They looked at each other for a few seconds more. Weapon. Amy met the blonde's eyes with her own in the mirror and held up a hand, showing the unpleasantly adherent goo. Mind whirling of the points she raised, ready for pickup because of the locker incident,! All together and she faded out of view it 's still sort of,. Know what to look for you were going to be honest, he was at a loss the! 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Sibling Experimentation Guilt, Articles W