Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked, I cried to dream again. The Finish Line - 10 questions - 3 mins. He convinces Lt. Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) to let him take responsibility for the murders to avoid the dispiriting consequences. The last bit of spoken dialogue is what's most likely to stick with audiences, and, if it's particularly poignant, it can seriously boost a film's reputation. by J.D. I kissed her a few times on the brow. Most grandiose and declarative/most often quoted by people who have no idea where its from: It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known., 18. The next day, Tony stands at a press conference and makes a stunning confession: "the truth is, I am Iron Man.". She's considering the idea, too. ", Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, Patrick Sskind, "Old father, old artificer, stand me now and ever in good stead. It pulls together elements from a lot of disparate influences to ask what reality is and how anyone could really know if what they are experiencing is real. ", "Might I trouble you then to be ready in half an hour, and we can stop at Marcinis for a little dinner on the way? In many respects, the last sentence is elegiac. Others enter into the language, take on a life of their own, and eclipse their source. "As you from crimes would pardoned be,Let your indulgence set me free. Then after a 15 year hiatus came A Gate at the Stairs, about a witty young woman trying to figure out adult life in the face of two unspeakable tragedies. The above is only a portion (we wouldn't be able to fit all of it in this article), but we couldn't NOT include one of the longest last sentences in literature. Fight Club's ending scene is seriously audacious, offering a somewhat bleak outlook for the character going forward. And like that he is gone. The last line is so important to nail because it will send the audience out of the theater on the right emotional note. It's a last chance for a good first impression. The Usual Suspects isn't just a movie; it's a magic trick. I have bad dreams but I never saw Mister Duck again. Anyone who has ever seen Se7en cannot forget its harrowing ending. ", "Because it is written that you reap what you sow, and the boy had sown good corn. Only after getting away from it for a while does she realize just how happy she is there. "From Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. NEXT: 10 Best Comedy Movies Of 2021, According To IMDb, 13 Best Shark Movies To Watch This Summer (That Aren't Jaws), 10 Unpopular Opinions About E.T. "There was the hum of bees, and the musky odor of pinks filled the air." "The Awakening," by Kate Chopin (1899) At the end of Henrik Ibsen's play "Hedda Gabler" (1891), a trapped and passionate. Best beautiful sum-up of the novel you just read, both in tone and in meaning, and possibly the most well-loved last line of all time: So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. It's Chinatown.". Even today, millions of people think of the ravages of the Great Depression through the lens of Steinbecks story. The first readers were shocked by "From The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In prose of striking clarity, Rev. (Caliban, Act 3 Scene 2) Our revels now are ended. His mix of treacly self-pity, witty cynicism and clinical depression speaks for millions of lonely people forced to endure a world of phonies. Weve already given you a rundown of our favorite opening lines in literature, but since every beginning needs an ending (and youd be surprised at how many works with awesome first lines also have awesome last lines or perhaps you wouldnt be surprised), we feel compelled to treat you to a list of our favorite last lines as well. When the applause dies down, he asks, Are there any questions? Those of us staring at a Supreme Court now tipping away from womens reproductive rights probably have several questions. Isnt it pretty to think so?From The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. I am haunted by humans. The first lines of Leo Tolstoy's 1873 novel are some of the most famous of all time. "From Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. Toy Story 3 (2010) "So Long, Partner." Toy Story 3 ends on a note that is both beautiful and sob-inducing. In fact, he confesses that the universality of his experience frightens him. Here, Voltaire provides his final advice regarding constant philosophizing: sometimes it's more prosperous to do than to contemplate. You may deny me, but I'll be your servant, Whether you will or no. Killer John Doe (Kevin Spacey) reveals that he cut off the head of protagonist Mills' pregnant wife and stuck it in a box. We'll take any optimism we can get from curmudgeonly Franzen, regardless of whether or not it's meant in earnest (and in this case, it seems to be). ", "But that is the beginning of a new story - the story of the gradual renewal of a man, the story of his gradual regeneration, of his passing from one world into another, of his initiation into a new unknown life. written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak (1963). In a phone call, he promises to essentially dismantle it all, creating a new world order, free of rules and controls. Billy Wilder's Some Like It Hot revolves around two musicians, Joe (Tony Curtis) and Jerry (Jack Lemmon), who witness a gangster murder. Now, of course, his story about a handsome gangster is considered one of the greatest novels of the 20th century. He watched it scurry away, over his hand. ", "The eyes and faces all turned themselves towards me, and guiding myself by them, as by a magical thread, I stepped into the room. Although it inspired considerable condemnation at the time, its now recognized as one of the earliest modernist novels and a foundational feminist text. Just like good books, good plays can teach you many life lessons. Its no real pleasure in life., 3. By the movie's end, he has a super-suit of his own, which he uses to battle Stark, but Iron Man wins. During its initial release in 1999, Fight Club was widely misunderstood. Given that Caddyshack is filled with undertones about prejudice of all stripes, Al's victory statement sends a message that a new day has dawned at Bushwood. Dickens didnt invent Christmas, as a recent movie starring Christopher Plummer claims, but the Victorian novelist certainly taught us how to celebrate it. . ", "She had started to cry softly. In this closing scene, the lovely Lady Brett tempts Jake once again to imagine what a damned good time they could have had. Mills' partner, Somerset (Morgan Freeman) tries to convince him not to shoot the killer because that would allow Doe to "win." The quoted lines occur in a voiceover as people enter and exit a hotel's revolving door. One of the most-quoted lines from Casablanca, "Here's looking at you, kid," is one that Humphrey Bogart ad-libbed during the flashback scenes of Rick and Ilsa falling in love in Paris. Americans have consistently called Mitchells Pulitzer Prize-winning novel one of their very favorites. He watched it leap off the end and disappear through an air vent. The Catcher in the Rye , J.D. Its possible to measure the weight of a novel by the size of its impact crater. by John Steinbeck (1939). 8 Quotes From Famous Plays March 27, 2019 March 27 is World Theatre Day. It's why Batman, Spider-Man, and so many others wear masks. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, In Hucks sweet accent, Twain captures the spirit of an adolescent nation determined to resist domestication and to keep exploring the unknown. ", In the all-time classic Casablanca, American expatriate/nightclub owner Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) is reunited with an old lover, Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman). The Concord Public Library in Massachusetts banned it soon after it was published. While nowhere close to historically accurate, it's a fine example of cinematic wish fulfillment. Dont ever tell anybody anything. Shakespeare's plays and sonnets are some of the most quoted in all of literature. ", "There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved. ", Where the Wild Things Are, Maurice Sendak, "I wrote at the start that this was a record of hate, and walking there beside Henry towards the evening glass of beer, I found the one prayer that seemed to serve the winter mood: O God, You've done enough, You've robbed me of enough, I'm too tired and old to learn to love, leave me alone forever. Although two centuries have passed since Dr. Victor Frankenstein turned loose into the world a depraved wretch, his creatures plaintive cry still moves anyone who has a beating heart. The movie lines so famous you forgot where they came from. All that was left was love and wonder. That this time the wind will not hear. Woody's final words, therefore, speak to the fact that things that were once vitally important get left behind later on in life. "Oh, Jake, Brett said, we could have had such a damned good time together. Ahead was a mounted policeman in khaki directing traffic. Everything about The Matrix is designed to make the viewer's head spin. The plot of Sebolds debut novel sounds equally gruesome and mawkish: Susie, a 14-year-old girl, is raped and murdered by a neighbor, and then she describes her familys reaction from heaven. After playing for a few moments, Andy hops in his car and drives away. ", "But the naming game involves only male names, because if it's a girl, Laila has already named her. Only months after it was published, Fitzgerald referred to Gatsby as a flop, and copies of the second printing were gathering dust in the publishers warehouse 15 years later when he died. William Shakespeare American Idiot " Jimmy died today, he blew his brains out in the bay, in the state of mind - in my own private suicide." St. Jimmy And Then There Were None "The legal life's narrowing. Sure, Kansas feels dull to Dorothy, but it's where the people who love her are. And to all others in this story profound shooms of lip-music brrrrr. Best closing lines in movies 1. His comment is a sick joke, which is perfectly in keeping with Fight Club's entire aesthetic. In the movie's final minutes, the limping Verbal exits the police station, and viewers see his disability immediately disappear. Hamlet's dying 'The rest is silence,' is the perfect end of anything. A stormy wind rattled the scrap-iron in the ruins, whistling and howling through the charred cavities of the windows. At every turn, there are bribes, lies, cover-ups, and conspiracies. ", "He turned out the light and went into Jem's room. Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas is one of the definitive mob movies of all time. The Extra-Terrestrial. The there was a knock on the door, I opened the door, and the new gerbil walked in. E.T. As you probably guessed, the famous lines above open Shakespeare's comedy Twelfth Night. Its final scene, the culmination of a relentless series of hardships, losses and deaths, offers a moment of startling compassion and intimacy the very milk of human kindness made flesh. ", "She looked up and across the barn, and her lips came together and smiled mysteriously. Endings, as we all know, are important. ", "With the Gardiners, they were always on the most intimate terms. Hooper replies, "I can't imagine why. This is the very famous last line of "Casablanca" which starred Humphrey Bogart, Paul Henreid and Ingrid Bergman. He's a silent guardian. So it was that Giles Corey's last lines in "The Crucible" endure in popular culture. All that remained of the German regiment was a little cloud of dust. Alcott gives little indication of what horrors may have shaken Father during his fight for abolition, and Little Women ends with Mrs. March saying, Oh, my girls, however long you may live, I never can wish you a greater happiness than this. But by the time March returns to his happy home at the end of Brookss novel, we know him as the haunted survivor of carnage and a crushing spiritual crisis. Ames describes adventures both historical and spiritual. Alices Adventures in Wonderland , Lewis Carroll. Most last minute revelation for a previously utterly stubborn, unchanging character, finally accepting the facts of the universe in the face of his execution: As if that blind rage had washed me clean, rid me of hope; for the first time, in that night alive with signs and stars, I opened myself to the benign indifference of the world. Some Like It Hot came out in 1959, a time when subjects such as sexual/gender identity and cross-dressing were still very much taboo onscreen. Her first book, Barracoon, never found a publisher during her lifetime. Stane has a personal agenda that involves manipulating the company for his own personal gain. The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925). Tony Stark, never one to do things in a conventional manner, defies tradition by letting the world know who the iron-clad hero they've been following really is. Others leave us hanging, and still others provide a cathartic sense of closure. Rabbit eventually crawls home, determined to be better, but his flight instinct is not so easily quelled. There is deep, delicious irony in this line. He's asked what it is, to which he replies "the stuff that dreams are made of.". "From A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan. ", Half of a Yellow Sun, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, "Light falls through the window, falls onto me, into me. Here are 23 final lines that I have never forgotten. Advertisement Famous Last Lines in Movies Quiz. ", "Again and again I called out for Midori from the dead centre of this place that was no place. But it was another girl, young and new to the city, fiddling with her keys. If you dont want to know the final thought of a book youre yet to read, look away now, "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. When a film has the perfect final line, the audience goes home on a high, and these are some of the very best examples of that. Fox) returns to the present day, thinking that his jaunts through time are over. Elliott is visibly upset about having to part, so his intergalactic buddy lights up his finger, points it at the boy, and informs him "I'll be right here. Give me some wine, and let me speak a little. Helen came and embraced me. Without missing a beat, Osgood retorts, "well, nobody's perfect.". ", A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali, Gil Courtemanche, "'When the day shall come, that we do part,' he said softly, and turned to look at me, 'if my last words are not I love you yell ken it was because I didna have time.'". By stating this hard-earned insight, and . Often called England's 'national poet', his work consists of about 38 . 'Keep going, El,' he says, 'Keep going.' Aside from the obvious reference to Beauty and the Beast, the line is powerful because it, ironically enough, humanizes Kong a little. He may be sad, but he's got a new direction, plus someone to go down that road with. ", "My husband remained there some time after me to settle our affairs, and at first I had intended to go back to him, but at his desire I altered that resolution, and he is come over to England also, where we resolve to spend the remainder of our years in sincere penitence for the wicked lives we have lived. Here she is with another hour before her. ", "Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye and sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day and into the night of his very own room where he found his supper waiting for himand it was still hot. Best pessimistic diagnosis of a resigned and wistful generation: Yes, I said. Here are the 15 most highlighted Shakespeare quotes. The children cheered wildly. ", A Hundred and One Days: A Baghdad Journal, Asne Seierstad, "It was then that I began to sit on my bed and stare out at the nibbling squirrels, and to make up powems from intense abstraction, hour after unmarked hour, imagination scarcely faltering once, rhythm hardly skipping a beat, while sisters called me, suns rose and fell, and the poems I made, which I never remembered, were the first and last of that time", "And presently, like a circling typhoon, the sounds of battle began to return. "This game is seven-card stud" A Streetcar Named Desire Journey's End Dealer's Choice Reveal 2. The movie's suggestion that power and corruption are inextricably connected certainly gave it resonance for audiences of that era. 21 Amazing Last Lines From Literature That Will Make You Want To Read The Whole Book. "From The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen. The framing device entails the only guy who can pinpoint Soze, Verbal Kint (Kevin Spacey) telling customs agent Dave Kujan (Chazz Palminteri) a long, complex story about how he entered the villain's world and took part in a heist. I don't know why mine never turn out like hers, or why my tears flow so freely when I prepare them - perhaps I am as sensitive to onions as Tita, my great-aunt, who will go on living as long as there is someone who cooks her recipes. Ending an entire book in the middle of a sentence is a bold and playful choice. What early event in American history was the backdrop for Arthur Miller's play in which this line appears? Here's to it!" Anthony Marston "I'm all right now. ", "How wonderful the flavor, the aroma of her kitchen, her stories as she prepared the meal, her Christmas Rolls! said, watching her hand. After ratting out Paulie and Jimmy, he enters the Witness Protection Program. The Road won a Pulitzer Prize and even spurred the normally shy author to agree to speak with Oprah for his first-ever television interview. "The Maltese Falcon" "Key Largo" . It's the choice we make to get on with it. The book ends with an epilogue that takes place at an academic conference in the year 2195. Most Beckettian closing to a Beckett novel: Perhaps its done already, perhaps they have said me already, perhaps they have carried me to the threshold of my story, before the door that opens on my story, that would surprise me, if it opens, it will be I, it will be the silence, where I am, I dont know, Ill never know, in the silence you dont know, you must go on, I cant go on, Ill go on. Novels and a foundational feminist text is written that you reap what you sow, and conspiracies get. Suspects is n't just a movie ; it 's a fine example of cinematic fulfillment... Provides his final advice regarding constant philosophizing: sometimes it 's the choice we make to get with... 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