difference between hebrews and hellenists

WebWhat is the difference between synagogue and shul? Instead of understanding that faith did not hinge on how one assimilated (or did not) with the culture of the day, it seems a line was drawn in the sand between the two. What was there about Hellenism that lured so many Jews to assimilate and at the same time, aroused in other Jews such staunch opposition? They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. Stephen could have interacted with a different culture than Peter and John, which would explain why they would react differently to Stephens speech. Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, celebrates the great miracles that happened during the Maccabee revolt in the time of the Second Temple period. Language is an important issue, but it is not the only issue separating the Greek from Judean Jew. Acts 6:1 stated how problems were occurring because the Hebrew widows couldnt understand and communicate with the Hellenistic Jews and therefore were being neglected. exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he Whereas, the Hebrew speaking Jews, are more conservative in their beliefs due to the influences of their cultures, and on the hand, Hellenistic Jews were more Why were the widows among the Hellenists "neglected in the daily distribution" I like this! The Twelve did not themselves name or appoint the Seven; the names came from the whole community, the Twelve simply ratifying the selection. I agree that this would help understand reading the book of Acts because they are an important aspect of the book. one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Normally, therefore, an Israelite is not called up until the third reading. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux. It is also made possible through the generosity of Wendy and Brandon Dunn. Good job. What was the Churchs response? From what I am understanding after reading acts and this blog post is that Stephen and Phillip were Hellenistic Jews and had adopted the greek language and culture. How to choose voltage value of capacitors. Surely there were not so many such believers in Jerusalem that there would have been a significant portion who were Greek-speaking widows. I think this is interesting because it sounds a lot like what we see in todays world. "the Hellenists" are the Christian converts among the Jews In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. This post is going straight to the March 2016 Biblical Studies Carnival. composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, to be weaker are necessary. 242-245. Each group of Jews has their own views or identities which would cause problems in the early church which also may have been a cause for the death of Stephen. So this is a Schmithals time in my reading. 241-257. And if they were all one member, where would the body You dont hold out on Peter the Rock. . . At times, the way Jews and Gentiles are described in the Bible makes them seem like very separate, unified groups. It put in place a mechanism whereby the neglect could be addressed, and it ensured that the murmuring group felt represented in the solution. They attempted to remain in a pristine, unique state of Judaism. Your email address will not be published. Sanctification Dunn notes the indications that Luke has drawn on source material in writing about the Hellenists. 6Witherington,Acts, p. 248, referencing Craig Keener,Bible Background CommentaryNew Testament(Downers Grove: InterVaristy, 1994), p. 338. Could Plato Really have Influenced Judaism and the Bible? Also, by denying the Jews the ability to sanctify the new month, they inhibited the proper celebration of the Jewish holidays, which are based on dates which start with the declaration of the start of each new month. And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews. I think that the difference between the Hellenistic Jews and the Hebraic Jews is interesting. From ancient Greek traditions, the Western world has inherited a remarkable legacy of literature, sculpture, philosophy, and architecture. It is also important so that the reader does not assume or think the wrong thing. Why did the interaction of the Greeks and the Jews create such problems? Phillip J. Discover, read and download our comprehensive guides and walkthroughs, watch videos and learn about the various aspects of Chanukah. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I am not fully sure of my understanding but this is what I have concluded through my reading. Acts 6), and had neglected, most probably The Greeks believed in fulfilling all of their passions, in contrast to Judaisms devotion to self discipline. Considering that Acts was written when this Fall from Grace, Platonistically speaking, was gaining influence in philosophical thought, the above may explain from where, I also mean when, this Hellenistic division emerged. And, in fact, they are similar in that both cultures put great value on understanding the world and the use of ones intellect. using them to glorify Him: "For as we have many members in one body, "Ive even been cited by atheists with approval (which I really dont know how to take, so thanks, I think, but Im not sure,Vrider(even though I feel like I need to take a shower now)). For instance, should Christians send their children to public schools, where they are sure to be taught things that are firmly against God? Greeks, whether slaves or free - and have all been made to drink into one Arius and Nicea The response, then, took seriously both aspects of the problem. The word I keep coming back to is Jew. After they gave their lives over they stayed in Jerusalem, and it was not There is also a problem that arises between both divisions of Jews. who shows mercy, with cheerfulness." Grant Opportunities I see Paul/Saul as inclusive, as inviting the Gentile community into the Jewish fold, as increasing the Jewish ranks by softening the Mosaic Law. First off I never knew there were Hellenistic Jews or even what this stood for. It also forced them to acknowledge how lightly they treated their own deities, while the Jews were willing to set aside an entire day to their one deity. (Acts 6:1)? 2Martin Hengel,Between Jesus and Paul: Studies in the Earliest History of Christianity(Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983) 1-29; Dunn has perhaps the most detailed recent discussion of this juncture in the Churchs history;Beginning, pp. Looking forward to more segments. And when you see Peter saying It is not about the money, but the disrepect for me and for the Holy Spirit, and then see that first Ananias, and then Sapphira, miraculously drop down dead (nothing to do with Joe Sicarius standing behind them, of course) the fear is not surprising. This is show even through the Old Testament with the mentioning of foreigners among the Jews along with how they should have been treated in the Jewish society. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Spiritual Practices as a Pastor, Almond Springs, Ep. The apostles were gathered together in Jerusalem for the purpose of celebrating a Jewish festival, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, who enabled them to preach. Humility in Leadership The Jerusalemites, on the other hand, may well have perceived an Alexandrian to be more of a foreigner than a co-religionist, lamentably lacking an instinct for Judaism as practiced in Jerusalem. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The Greeks could not understand why the Jews did not instantly embrace their Were Jewish, Greek, and Gentile converts adults only? The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. If the first 5 chapters are intentionally about Peter and John and 6-8 are about Stephen and Philip to show the ministry of both Hellenistic and Hebraic Jews, then it seems that Luke is trying to tell his readers that each group is now as equally important as the other. Sanctification However, it is not always implied in Acts 2-5. one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. This was a movement from about 400 BC to 100 AC. ", "These reviews of yours are so bloody weird! Theres not a doubt in my mind, unless there was another, undocumented, messianic law-keeping sect that called itself the New Covenant, the Poor, the Way, etc., living in a place they called Damascus, with an enemy who preached against the law and raised his own congregation on deceit. By knowing what the cultural dynamics were one can understand why issues arose and figure out how situations escalated so quickly. We have already read that the community held all goods in common so they clearly had some mechanism for an equitable distribution. Another way to put this is to be a Hellenistic Jew, there is to be an adaptive language other than the Jewish language. While reading through Scripture, it can be easy for me to not pay much attention to the different cultures of the people mentioned and how that impacts the story or the overall message. A Jew from Alexandria, arriving in Jerusalem after a life of tensions in a sometimes hostile Graeco-Roman environment, might discover that life in the Holy Land was less than ideal, and that the locals seemed to lack sympathy, and the sophistication of their counterparts back home. Despite being Jewish, the Hellenists had adopted Greek cultural elements and This would have impeded understanding between the groups, and it may have been a factor in the actual neglect of the widows if they lived in an area less convenient for delivery of goods. School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy, Student Right-To-Know and Consumer Information, Part 1: Leading Myself and Building My Team, Part 4: Leading for Transformative Change, Background Episode A: Charlottes First Sunday, Episode 2: Brandis Confessions Almond Springs, Episode 21: Sin & Forgiveness (Coming Soon), Moving Beyond the Plateau: Embracing Weakness, The Delayed Damage of Defensive Reasoning, Extraordinary Leaders Focus on their Failures, The Only Way to Improve is to Make Mistakes On Real People, How to Take Responsibility Rather Than Project Blame, Formative Assessment Not Summative Assessment, The Structural Or Organizational Approach To Leading, Defining Characteristics of the Structural Approach, Biblical and Theological Perspectives on the Structural Approach, The Interpersonal Or Relational Approach To Leading, Defining Characteristics of the Relational Approach, The Cultural Or Interpretative Approach To Leading, Defining Characteristics of the Cultural Approach, A Cultural or Interpretive Take on Leading, Christian Leaders Transform Mental Models, The Meaning Making Leader: Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount, Loud Wrong: How Stories Instruct Without Insulting, Constructive Conflict Rather Than Destructive Conflict, Dont Push; Build Them a Golden Bridge to Retreat, The Great Persecution and the Coming of Imperial Christianity, Constantine, Monks and Imperial Christianity, A Light from the East: Eastern Christianity (Part 1), A Light from the East: Eastern Christianity (Part 2), Student Right-to-Know and Consumer Information. This opens up a whole new can of worms in the book of Acts because, as youve mentioned regarding Stephen, there may have been racial divisions and prejudices that, along with religious dissonance, contribute to a personal hatred of new Christians preaching the gospel. Who were the Hellenistic Jews in the Bible? Sts. The Hebrews were Jewish Christians who spoke almost exclusively Aramaic, and the Hellenists were also Jewish Christians whose mother tongue was Greek. They were Greek-speaking Jews of the Diaspora, who returned to settle in Jerusalem. To identify them, Luke uses the term Hellenistai. The Sabbath This would explain why Stephen, who was doing the same thing as Peter and the disciples, was stoned for what he was doing. ", "Neil Godfrey and Tim Widowfield, who both write at Vridar . The distinction is significant, for if a cohen is present for synagogue service, he must be called up first for the reading of the Law; he is then followed by a Levite. Communal Responsibility Without an in-depth study, many misinterpretations can be formed. Perhaps there really was a subsequent trial and execution of a real person named Stephen, and perhaps Paul really did participate in those legal proceedings (perhaps because of his own widowed mother). And if one member suffers, all the members Often i did not get why people were so caught up in fandoms of shows only popular in christian circles. if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us Cappadocians The Sabbath Six days shall you work and do all your labor, but the seventh day is Shabbat for the Lord your G-d. On it, you shall do no [creative] work. The seventh day is the Jewish Sabbath on which a Jew does no work. WEB: Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, a complaint arose from the Hellenists against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily service. Kenosis Acts 6 introduces some new characters in the storyline of the early church in Jerusalem. In the end result the truth won out. I believe that in the first few years of the church we seen many factions vying for acceptance from the whole. Acts 6:1 says that there was a problem between Hebraic and Hellenistic Jews. Aside from the historical accuracy, I do think that this matters for reading the book of Acts. What was the real difference between the Hebrews and Hellenists? The apostles weren't saying that manual say, Because I am not a hand, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of I might be missing something. The idea that the Jews would willing mar the body was outrageous to them (of course, leaving a baby to die from exposure wasnt a problem). Previously to this the Jews had dwelt as far as possible alone, but through that happen to be some of the most astute and well-read amateurs you can read on the internet on the subject of biblical historicity. Every sect of the Jews were usually either from a different region or were around for different events. If there were some such relationships, however, they were not explained by Luke. It seems that having more information about the early church is a good enough reason for this story to appear in this section of Acts. 2 So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. The Great Persecution and the Coming of Imperial Christianity It would not make sense if Stephen, Peter, and John did the same thing to the same groups of people, yet had different consequences for their actions. What is the meaning of the phrase "men and brethren" in Acts? Though we may suppose that the widows received their due, the only ministry activities that Luke ascribes to any of the Seven are Stephens public witness to in Jerusalem (6:8 7:60), and Philips missionary journeys in the surrounding country on the heels of the persecution (8:1, 5-13, 26-40). Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. 7Dunn argues convincingly that the accounts of the Hellenists, from the neglected widows, through Stephen and Philip, to the impact upon the church at Antioch, were available to Luke in a single coherent resource, which constituted a major source for Acts alongside a source of Peter material and a source of Paul material;Beginning, pp. Youre welcome. When I think about the term Christian I think of one unified group with similar beliefs. Here is a basic outline of Judaism versus Hellenism: These differences created a clash of cultures. One doesnt read that version in the Histories. I think it expands, and contributes to, the effort in honouring Thomas that we with Lukasz originally had in mind with this volume. Supporting the action of the leadership is probably what is irreducibly a miracle: the whole community, both Hebrew and Hellenist, produced a roster of exclusively Hellenist candidates. If Margaret Baker is arguing that the shift in attitude as expressed by Second Isaiah (Isaiah 40-66) beginning the second temple period is from El Elyon (failed to preserve Judea) to Yahweh Sabaoth (one of the seventy, & God of Armies) as a result of suffering through the Babylonian Exile, prima facie, that makes sense to me. But this is just my buck-and-a-quarter on the topic. As stated in the blog, the Hellenistic Jews did not simply adopt the Greek language, but the culture and lifestyle as well. In their need to rid the world of Judaism, they singled out three mitzvot (commandments): The sanctification of the new month, the Sabbath, and circumcision. I know of no other site which offers a wide range of topics related to careful critical analysis of historically and scripturally related issues. With only twelve apostles to tell the tens of thousands of new and But I have often been impressed with their grasp of logic and analysis of scholarship. One commentator has called this the first example of affirmative action.6But the recognition and empowerment of a culturally-defined minority led to unexpected and unprecedented outcomes. WebHellenism is the name we give to the manifold achievements of the Greeks in social and political institutions, in the various arts, in science and philosophy, in morals and religion. Neil is the author of this post. There was a large division between the Hellenistic Jews and the traditional Hebrew Jews, mostly because of the language barrier. Peters hometown Bethsaida did not belong to Galilee, but rather to Gaulanitis, which was dominated by Greek culture. ministry of the word." ", "Here I give an admittedly subjective short list, in random order, of useful, high level and regularly updated weblogs on the study of the Old Testament . We see in the earlier chapters that the church was attending to the needs of the poor and here we see the needs being neglected. Hellenistic Jews to Jerusalem (Acts 6:17). For Ben Witherington, language is the main issue (seeActs, 240-247, for an excellent excursus on the Hellenists). Or do they send them with the hope of growing stronger in their faith? Problem between Hebraic and Hellenistic Jews and the Jews create such problems returned to in. About the various aspects of Chanukah voted up and rise to the March 2016 Biblical Studies Carnival `` ``. Basic outline of Judaism was Greek from the historical accuracy, i do think that the between... 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