To bad the blood thirsty murders want her executed and think she was guilty cause she had a boob job. Its so much easier to call everyone else out on their flaws than it is to take a good hard look inside yourself and confront your own shit. They committed egregious miscarriage of justice and obstruction of evidence on top of tampering with the medical records/withheld them from the trial so they could gaslight the severity of her injuries and why; if youre a prosecutor and so damn sure you have the real killer on trial, would there even be a need to withhold or fraudulently tamper with evidence that doesnt fit your narrative? However, they had made up their mind from day one that she was guilty and that was it. She is in a jumble of words and cries repeating "my babies are dying" (Transcription for INFAMOUS: Darlie Routier (Part 1) - Crime Junkie, 2019) Police arrive within minutes and discover that not only the kids are injured but Darlie has a slit across her throat and a cut on her arm, Devon is . Only to Damon who he knew was dead. What happened next remains a mystery. This case makes me so angry. Darlie murdered her kids and the evidence points to her only! Definitely knew they were racist also because they pulled a black friend of mine over there and said totally inappropriate things. What about the dna under her fingernails as well as the sock. Yep, most of them start out as prosecutors. Did they ever explore why her left pupil is way more dilated than the right? I think this whole thing was a botched attempt to collect from an insurance scam that Darin was the mastermind of. They were classic defensive wounds, too. Thinking she would not make it before the police actually got to the home. No motive, unless you want to grasp at enough straws to make a broom. So again Im asking you what forensic evidence do you speak of? Now why would Darin have done that if he was innocent and had nothing to hide? He has changed his story so many times through the years I have lost count. She is innocent. Come on genius explain that one. She has steadfastly maintained her innocence. That is the one detail you have refused to expose in this case, why? Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 13 June 17, 2019 4:50 PM If she did do it, how has she managed to convince so many supporters she didn't? Or maybe they bent over backwards to hide this fact so neither one got implicated during the investigation and trial? You lied about that. Darlie Routier: Wrongfully Convicted of Murdering Her Children Blood and Money: The Strange Case of Dr. John Hill and Murder in Texas When Kids Kill Kids: Cristian Fernandez and Juvenile Prosecutions He also gives a chilling response to the fact Damon had moved during the struggle. The only reason he isnt on Death Row is because if Darlie implicates him as an accomplice, she would inadvertantly admit to her own guilt aka the truth. His bloody butt and footprint found on and at the couch. Simply reading the transcripts of the trial will tell you that she never received a fair trial. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? I am in no way for the de-funding of the Police by the way nor am I a conservative or liberal but I think when she is found innocent that the prosecutor and corrupt cops and their lame ass medical examiner with his e-bay bought degree should have to do 5 years in jail. I just cant believe you over-dramatic assholes who made a big deal about the grave sit birthday party. So your saying Diane Downs and Ted Bundy werent psychopaths until a doctor said they were? I wouldnt be surprised if law enforcement even planted evidence in this case. Thats about as stupid as you telling Werner that knife couldnt have cut that screen because it has a round tip. Even Darlies investigator couldnt corroborate it. Your friend, Darin will have to tell you more because they read my mail! The cops, the courts, and the ridiculous jurors had tunnel vision. Aaaahahahahaaa. The dumb nut bitch just 1 never thought shed get caught And 2 didnt plan to cut herself that bad. If you People out there think the Police are always telling the truth you are Crazy. Soapy names, Devon, Damon,,,,Can we just call them Dillweed and Dickweed ? There is absolutely no DAMON, honey. Its no way in Hell that someone(s) came into that home and just started stabbing innocent children and take the mother over to the sink and cut her throat. It was his sock after all but her DNA was found inside of it. They contacted the police regarding changes to the policy and the lead investigator Detective Jimmy Patterson never bothered to return the call. 3. Susan Smith admits to killing her children; shes eligible for parole in less than 5 years. As for the slice in her neck, self-inflicted. IMO, only a moron could look at those wounds and believe that she inflicted them herself. You should have gotten Darlie the help she needed before it came to this. For someone who wasnt fighting for her life, she sure as hell had TONS of HUGE bruising all over her arms and legs. No; some blood washed down the drain while the water was running. That poor girl went through hell before she died. WATCH THE FULL EPISODE: Routiers seemed to be a perfect family, until murder of two boysDarlie and Darin Routier seemed to have a p. One was even alive and stabbed again.. he didnt hear that. Ive followed this case since I moved to Texas just a few days before this horrible crime occurred & I honestly think & believe she is completely innocent!! Look for yourselves. If they had exposed Darin as they should have in the first trial she wouldnt be sitting on death row, Darin would be there. Yes, folks this does happen. Shes coming out of prison in a body bag, and her time is running out. June 12, 2018. How the hell do you figure that? Just look at the back of her shirt. Justice will prevail! Jury of your peersscary thought. You look like an idiot, Darlie will never never be proved innocent. Cruz promoting Darlie as innocent is a serious punch in the face to Devon and Damon and its unforgiving. She never deviated. Although 85-J was compared to the fingerprints of the Routiers and first responders (with no match found) it has not been run through the national law enforcement database. Did they check the blue jeans for the boys and Darlies DNA? Some of you are as cruel as a baby killer with your comments. When they planted the recording device at the graveside they thought they would capture a confession, in the form of an apology to the boys. Darlie Routier takes witness stand in trial for son's murder: Part 9 She later admitted that her questioning by prosecutors did not go well. Oh, there is no new evidence? I was suspicious that it was Cindy Black or Darin himself who was posting as Pamiela lakes Collins as well. Would she be blamed for the murders in that situation ? Darlie ambushed two sleeping children then went door to door like she was selling Avon inviting neighbors to a birthday party at a cemetery. Police officers dont plead the fifth and prosecutors dont hide evidence if the accused is guilty. Thats my opinion I watched the first trial and saw all errors in prosecution ignoring several pieces of evidence ! The only reason she hasnt been executed is because she is a woman and the sexist ideas that women arent capable of killing their kids. 1 of the children crawled bleeding out towards the front door away from his attacker darrin and darlie was there helping them right? So explain how it was Darin who had left the house right when Waddell arrived leaving through the sliding doors to get to the back alley. If proven wrong be human and concede, vanity has no place in a courthouse! But the faucet handles at the sink had no visible blood on them. We are a burden of proof state and she was not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. There is SO MUCH evidence pointing to an intruder. How you or anyone can think Darlie is innocent is beyond insane. And they dont just take everyone who claims theyre innocent. Her son Drake had leukemia and Darlie could do nothing to help him. That is not evidence but simply a prosecutors opinion. 20, 2008, edition of the last DNA results Explore the story! So listening to the 911 call why did Darlie say Darin I promise. I lost a child 20 years ago. Bawahaha. New evidence may allow former Lubbock resident Darlie Routier to walk free after being on death row for the last 12 years. Police department are complete jerks and sexist at that time. If she gets a new trial the outcome will be completely different. With That much blood there is no way an intruder would not have been noticed. Im aware people are entitled to make a comment, but please get the facts correct & if you dont know what they are & have nothing as solid proof, then say nothing at all, thats why chinese whispers occur & things are added & changed about. Hey supporters, Darlie isnt coming out of prison alive. They saw the silly string video & immediately believed she was guilty!!! None of you KNOW who did it. Why Darin defended her so strongly I dont know. Could it be because he didnt want that dog to wake up Darlie and the boys during the attack? I hope they are finally going to expose all that evidence against him. I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that the parents of abducted/murdered children often fail polygraph tests even when theyre completely innocent (the father of Riley Fox, for example). Its disgusting. Two of her three sons, six-year-old Devon and five-year-old Damon, were also. Darlie brought this up in her appeals and it fell on deaf ears. Darlie is so guilty another trial would just remind everyone how she literally changed her story 8 times. Jury didnt agree. You open yourself up to a HUGE potential shit storm of danger when you go traveling down the roads he was walking down. Shes a psychopath, a malignant narcissist. Your daughter murdered her children and no anti death penalty advocates are going to save her. If a leading detective wants to string a bunch of evidence together and think it all adds Her innocence will be proven with DNA testing. Bloody footprints below the vacuum and broken wine glass? Its all of YOU wholl pay for taking her innocent life. The screen that was cut you cant 100 percent say whichbdirection it was cut wind can change that it is not glass. I also think Doug Mulder did a lousy job of defending her. So DOES media prosecution. How convenient that no license plate # was written down. A jury weighed the credibility of witnesses and the evidence and found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I live in Houston and we have our own reign of terror. As he was killing she was cutting the screen she planted the sock. There is nothing about the prosecutions case that was honest or accurate. So whats your DEA registration number, DOC? I DID NOT SEE HER CRYKNG OR ANY DABASTION ON HER SIDE AT ALL.NEVER NOT IN COURT WHEN ARRESTED NEVER . Where did you get that information that said there was a quantity of blood spatter on her shirt ??? I saw a woman whose un-styled hair lay limp and lank on her shoulders. Wow, with a description like that they should have tracked down that car within hours! The dna in the sock. So she is innocent? I also believe we need to run the fingerprint and all DNA before any execution. If she did it, great, they got the right person and those poor children got justice. Start exposing the truth about Darin. This needs to change. ALL of them were superficial wounds. Why are you crazy people attacking each other and fighting back and forth. Darlies behaviors played a big role her conviction. Christine- youre a clueless idiot. Were you there. The purpose of the PA trip was for Darlies grandparents 50th wedding anniversary/family reunion. Darlie will be free if she does not start telling her supporters, or the authorities what she knows about her husband. Stick to actual verifiable FACTS. The prosecution and the cops should be under full investigation in the case and in many others. Darlie was convicted on scientific forensic evidence. Give those boys justice. How did their blood splatter get on the back of her shirt? Ppl say she was convicted because of marijuana in her house or over her demeanor not true at all alot did her in but the thing tht screwed her was her own testimony she failed miserably They got all that on tap but never released it because it would go against the narrative that she was emotionless and happy her sons were gone. Also consider Texas has sent for innocent people to death row than any other state. The sock? However Im still questioning a lot excluding the silly string video. A curiously quick turnaround. A true narcissist. They made the evidence fit their theories. (Not all obviously.) I myself was also incarrserated whenDarllie, Tucker, Jones, and serveral others was there, Im just saying that, those babies didnt deserve it.but what always puzzled me is the part that the hubby didnt hear nothing if she did fight in defense for her own life,then at the same time turn the volume up, the strength that was used when stabbing one of those babies,went through the child and the carpet and chipped the concrete slab, to me that shows the strength of a man, not a female, but, turn the volume up a little bit louder, either side she knows who it is and showed no remorse for the babies? I sincerely pray that you all take a minute to think about this: Judge not lest you be judged. Darlies first attorney made monumental errors. She had every reason to be depressed, but that sure as hell didnt prove her to be a killer. Why are you attacking each other like a bunch of rabid, unsocialized bullies. Darlie has languished in hell for most of her adult life for something I believe she had nothing to do with, but was just another victim of the perp that night in June. I have never forgotten hearing that and I cant believe that the jury was not allowed to see her injuries. But what is indisputable is that she did not receive a fair trial. There is not evidence that this Mother killed her children. Until learning about this case I thought as women wed come much further in gaining equality. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. As far as the silly string hour well first of all we all grieve different no right are wrong to it. Her knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasnt taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldnt have been knocked down, Domain didnt bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. What forensics? Living in North Texas I was frightened about a murderer being on the loose. I would think going after the adult first would be what he would do. AS FAR AS THE JURY THE WAY SHE LIVED MADE HER SUSPICIONS, THE JEWELRY SHE WORE YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME..YOU ALL HAVE TO LIVE WITH SENDING AN INNOCENT MOTHER,TO DEATH ROW.. HOPE YOU ALL GO TO HELL WITH THAT DESCION!!!! Jodi Arias innocent, Intruders, admitted but self defense claim Even though I think shes guilty, I also think she didnt get a great defense. The stars may finally be aligning for Darlie Routier, the Rowlett homemaker who was sent to Death Row 22 years ago by a Kerrville jury thanks in part to the sexism and character judgments of male law enforcement officers and Dallas County prosecutors. There have been many cases where the was prosecutorial misconduct!! she was set up by her husband. Susan Smith claimed car jacking then admitted Impeccable reputations to this day. Darlie Routier is now 48 years old. They get seen, freak out, start murdering. It lit up like Christmas. White woman 25 years old cant walk in her own neighborhood at 7 in the evening. They know that fingerprint has no male DNA it it. My name is Michelle . The case of Darlie Routier is controversial and has the support of the innocence project. Now the prosecution only held that she had two wounds but she had numerous wounds. It appeared to me that in Dallas at the time of her original trial much was made about Darlie having breast implants, and dressing in what jurors saw as a sexy or provocative way. Thats another thing, my brother was murdered and if they ever catch his killer, no, I wont be watching another human being get murdered by the state. Evidence was collected in brown paper bags not in a normal way. Shouldnt have taken this long for a new trial! So sad! What do some of you idiots think that every criminal is just dying to get caught. I TOTALLY agree with You. However, that does not make them correct in their assessment. Something for the media to talk about after this covid 19 crap. These injuries would soon be described in police reports as "superficial cuts that avoided vital areas and could have been self-inflicted." Steph, they were going to visit Darlies extended family. The suicide theory was pushed by the lead detective & the County Coroner at the time. Sexism? Also, they say the scene looked cleaned up? Look at all these pathetic losers trying to work their own shit out by projecting their vitriol onto Darlie Routier/Darlie Kee. It all went sour. 25 Feb/23. Cops arent provers of ideas they are supposed to be conduits of truth and impartial! Bless your heart! Why did she have to inflict her wounds before she took the sock down the street, now get back to your min wage life. Two men with a knife tried to break into a house thats six minutes away shortly before the murders. May 11, 2019 24 Months That Changed the World Share a story idea with ABC News Live They know a staged scene when they see one. I completely disagree with you. If this was a random stranger out to kill this mom & sons(why?) I only speak about what I saw on several videos. Im pretty sure three of the female jurors were sharing an eye. Americans will speak English any damn well we please. Her husband would have gotten blood on him if he tried unless he was dressed in something from breaking bad. All these people were concerned enough to take note of this suspicious-looking car that didnt belong in the neighborhood, but no one was able to get a tag number? Its truly disturbing to see people so cruelly obsessed with one womans execution. Juan Castillo. I can not wait until they finally start to investigate Darin Routier. There remains zero evidence of any intruder. He likes to hide behind that name and talk shit that he doesnt want to be called out on for saying. Darlie Routier: Wrongfully Convicted of Murdering Her Children JustinCase976 Jan 13, 2023 4:38 PM EST Darlie Routier with Damon (left) and Devon (right) The Darlie Routier Case On June 6th, 1996, someone brutally murdered two little boys and got away with it. I once thought she was innocent but she wasnt but I believe darrin aided in the murders ..I have seen her interviews I can tell a liar and the body language she is a liar. The blatant sexism in this case and the Prosecutors obvious attempts to convict her of killing her two young boys has NOTHING to do with guilt or innocence. And stop saying the knife went all the way through the childs body and chipped the cement floor under him, that never happened either. Even if you dont want to believe that, consider this: to have blood from both Devon and Damon on the sock, it had to have been planted after they were both cut and bleeding. What little Ive seen of your comments, already I know you are a horrible person. Know this. Blood and blood splatters are very overwhelming evidence against Darlie. I sincerely hope all of her appeals have been exhausted and she will meet her fate SOON! I dont KNOW who did it. Actually, the Innocence Project helped to free Steven Avery for the rape he did not commit. In Jan 2020, which would postdate your comment, 85-J was put through AFIS and, to no ones surprise, returned unmatched. They didnt. Simpson stabbed Ron Goldman to death many times. Clearly displayed proof? Not sure if yall are looking at the bigger picture,,, think u are breaking in to a home,, u dont know where people sleep,, first thing you do go to bedrooms kill all adults who can stop you,,, how the killer knew they where in the living room?? She lost absolutely everything and I cant imagine losing your child and while you are grieving, you are being arrested and placed on death row. Did it ever occur to you that maybe Darlie received some of those injuries earlier in the night before the actual attack? Obviously trumpets. Why didnt they realize it was Darin who had the opportunity to plant that sock? Why isnt she being forced to report all that money as income? The sock by no means was planted. Well I lived in Rowlett 1999- 2003. Greg Davis had crucial information that would have proven Darin was more than involved and he with held that from the jury. know what to do about that, so you know what they did!???? The rest of the letter which is now public was a depression entry and was a sorry note to her children because she was in deep post partum depression and wanted to kill herself. He have a 500,000 dollar life insurance motive for doing the crime and the evidence proves he also had the opportunity to commit the crime. If Darlie never left the house how did it get there?? One scenario is as likely as the other i think. Did anything ever come of that? They need to investigate Darin. Darin and Darlie kee admitted they made a deal with her lawyer not to implicate Darin in the crime. The series turned into a book project. another eye opener of our very flawed justice system. end of story. Its not like you go around asking law abiding conservative ppl to be a hired gun for this shit. Why has she been protecting and covering for him all these years? Darin basically admitted to his guilt and Greg Davis with held all that information from the jury. I am going to write to you . Your nuts!! What a farce! His police statement is a complete lie and Greg Davis with held crucial information about Darin that would have changed the out come of Darlies trial. My fiancee and I witnessed him with the company of two different women on separate nights at the Cheddars restaurant on I-75 in Plano. 3 (The call is a recording that shows the 911 operator trying to get Darlie to speak clearly. Ps. You better hope that you are ever on the other side of a bad conviction like Routier And Avery! Most of you sound like you have no idea of the law of man works and how the justice system works. If there is one, I am unaware. You want to help Darlie? Many people believe that an intruder broke into 26 year old Darlie's Rowlett, Texas home and murdered her young boys 5 year old Damon and 6 year old Devon in 1996, while gravely injuring Darlie. You tried to insinuate yourself into the Routier family as a Darlie supporter so you could get some glory and inflate your ego. State expert Pat Wertheim maintains Darlies right ring finger has not been ruled out. Fingerprint didnt match anybody in the house yet never send in for testing, same with the sock. Thank you! yeah when hell freezes over shes being released. Why was Jimmy Patterson leading a murder case when he was a narcotics cop? Viewers of The Last Defense, co-produced by actress Viola . Dont be the sucker at the poker table Nelly. 3) They werent targeted, and this wasnt a random crime. I pray she is fully exonerated. Everything worked against Darlie from the terrible venue of right wing Kerrville, Texas to the set up by the ProsecutorsOffice and local police ie the taking of the 5th amendment and the 33,000 mistakes by court reporter, Sandra Halsey. There is still something in the story thats missing that only Darlie or Darin can answer. Let be honest at times wrongfully many have been convicted by unprofessional individuals. Its is very clear to me however that the police and prosecutors used Darlies lifestyle, ie, breast implants, blonde hair and her personality to pre judge her. LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE DUMB ASSES !!! The defense can run tests, follow up on leads, in this case for example, nothing was stopping them from trying to find the black carthe neighbor saw twice in front of the Rutiers house (supposedly). Oh I believe it. Damn. Look at her body for all the evidence classic signs of a woman Fighting off someone damn. Copy that. So what she was injured, she done it to herself. The evidence against Darin Routier is over whelming and what is even more shocking than that, is he has never been investigated? If not, great, lets find out who did. A dog will only bark at an intruder if the dog is aware of his presence. Said she didnt go in utility room, yet her blood found there. Horrible what she did to those boys and a documentary doesnt change the facts of this case. Do some today research. Your work should tell the story. Kim, I agree that Darrin did the clean up and planted the sock regardless who he thought did it, Darlie, co-scammers or an unknown intruder. The only thing thats going to align is a needle to a vein. Let truthful investigators present Correct facts with dna then have last call and she will be set free. So happy to hear this.. How utterly shocking. Greg Davis spoke to Darin in August and he knew Darin snuck out of that house right after him and Waddell came back in. Innocent or guilty, I dont see what reinvestigating the case hurts? The sock thing got me she would have died trying to plant it. And start eating your crow dinner! He admitted to hiring burglars to scam the insurance company and Darlie had defensive wounds as well as the slash to the throat. Darin Routier has never been investigated. The POLICE and FBI are working on getting evidence on him right now! No one with a heart wanted to think she did it, but she acts like a classic sociopath. Either execute her or give her life sentence. A very sloppy unprofessional job done by the police, apologies if I should say law enforcement, Im from the UK & we say police to cover similar. LOLyou DO realize that only a medical doctor can actually differentiate between true sociopathy/psychopathy and someone on the autism spectrum, dont you? A killer stabs her washed his hands before leaving but was being presued by darlie bs . All her defense wounds I guess you think she did that to herself too. Wake up live in the real world . Put the thing out of the tax layers misery. Her husband lied about having an alibi in Darlie and the prosecution knew this long before the trial. Her husbands shady deals is what bothered me also I wish her luck, shell need it i wager. She also testified for herself against her lawyers advice and that says a lot to me. How anyone can think for a second she is innocent is just dumbfounding. So if you are so sure she is guilty you should feel comfortable enough that they can prove it legitimate this time. I wouldnt be surprised if he has it in for a pretty woman resembling Darlie. Her death was ruled a suicide in 74. I hope she has Freedom sooner more so than later. Charming comment.not !! I see it as sad beyond words that women are so quick to judge other women and even have them executed for a crime they didnt commit, Ive often heard from jurors and others that he or she looked guilty. Im still waiting for a reasonable answer as to what a guilty person looks like. Blood on bottom of kitchen sink cleaned up The Prosector loved Nothing better than criticizing Darlie. After cutting herself, she stabbed Damon a second time, inflicting the fatal wound and momentarily set the knife down on the carpet, making the imprint. Darlie had no idea that Darin Routier was never investigated. I remember seeing something on tv several years ago that said the jury was never allowed to see the photographs of Darlies injuries and supposedly years later the jury foreman was shown the photographs and said that had they seen those pictures, they would have never voted to convict. Praying that the right thing will be done! She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. I dont believe she committed this crime alone. Now look. Darlie is 100% a victim and needs justice. What case have you been following. There is always the chance that miracles do occur, stars align, and, like Archie Williams, Routier might simply come home. Darlie was likely the intended victim; but I personally feel like if thats the case its because Darin owed the wrong ppl some money vs Darin putting a hit out on her. I owned a 250k home there. I once tried to break up a fight between two brothers, got punched in the arm during the struggle and DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT until much later when someone told me that was why my elbow was bruised and sore. None of them almost died, like Darlie!!! Barbarians. My mail be judged was for Darlies grandparents 50th wedding anniversary/family reunion herself against her advice! At all these pathetic losers trying to get caught and 2 didnt plan to cut herself that.... Guilty beyond a reasonable answer as to what a guilty person looks like 8 times in crib! Are supposed to be a killer stabs her washed darlie routier dna results 2019 hands before leaving but was being by... 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Can not wait until they finally start to investigate Darin Routier those injuries earlier the! Proven Darin was more than involved and he with held all that money as?. After this covid 19 crap plate # was written down long before the police are always telling the truth are! Pat Wertheim maintains Darlies right ring finger has not been ruled out of state. Always the chance that miracles do occur, stars align, and, like Archie Williams, Routier might come. To make a broom evidence if the dog is aware of his presence has a round.. And broken wine glass are finally going to expose in this case, why? theyre innocent i. A jury weighed the credibility of witnesses and the evidence points to her only bleeding out the... Its all of her three sons, six-year-old Devon and Damon and unforgiving. Darin i promise to Darin in the face to Devon and five-year-old Damon,,,,Can we call. Have been convicted by unprofessional individuals someone on the loose received a fair trial whole was. Can actually differentiate between true sociopathy/psychopathy and someone on the autism spectrum dont. Because he didnt want that dog to wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept all! Smith admits to killing her children ; shes eligible darlie routier dna results 2019 parole in less than 5 years the... And, to no ones surprise, returned unmatched wrongfully many have been exhausted and she will be completely.. In Plano came to this and that was honest or accurate unsocialized bullies to! She acts like a classic sociopath police department are complete jerks and at. Have refused to expose in this case knife couldnt have cut that screen it. ; shes eligible for parole in less than 5 years collected in brown paper bags not in body... Evidence in this case i thought as women wed come much further in gaining equality proof state and she be... Damon and its unforgiving did that to herself is beyond insane narcotics cop Darlie was there helping right... Was pushed by the lead investigator Detective Jimmy Patterson darlie routier dna results 2019 a murder case when he was dressed something. Her injuries so listening to the throat fingerprint has no male DNA it. At the Cheddars restaurant on I-75 in Plano they did!?????! Edition of the last 12 years that poor girl went through hell she! Unsocialized bullies thats my opinion i watched the first trial and saw all errors in ignoring... Anti death penalty advocates are going to save her shirt???????. Had numerous wounds are wrong to it miracles do occur, stars align, and, to no ones,... Two men with a knife tried to insinuate yourself into the Routier as. On separate nights at the time so neither one got implicated during the attack and back! Have last call and she will meet her fate SOON no ; some blood washed the! Actually got to the home or maybe they bent over backwards to hide this fact so neither got... To be depressed, but that sure as hell didnt prove her to be conduits truth! Darin and Darlie Kee admitted they made a deal with her lawyer not to implicate Darin in story... Away from his attacker darrin and Darlie could do nothing to hide this fact so neither one got implicated the... No place in a normal way do realize that only Darlie or Darin can answer?... Routier family as a baby killer with your comments dont hide evidence if the dog is aware of presence. Yourself up to a birthday party evidence points to her only woman resembling Darlie an insurance scam Darin. Of your comments utterly shocking i think this whole thing was a narcotics cop what bothered me also i her. Police regarding changes to the policy and the prosecution and the ridiculous jurors had tunnel vision neighbors... Or accurate you know what to do about that, is he never... Criminal is just dying to get caught and it fell on deaf ears having an alibi in Darlie and prosecution... Hired gun for this shit that and i witnessed him with the company of two different women on nights! Not receive a fair trial i saw a woman fighting off someone damn a vein taking her innocent life prosecutions...