Nevertheless, compound fertilizers are generally safe to use as long as the coating, packaging, and storage conditions are good. Furthermore, calcium also assists in maintaining the soil pH. The following methods can be used to correct sulphur deficiency: Micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, molybdenum, and chlorine, are used by plants in very small amounts, usually in terms of grams per hectare. But nitrites, and the chemicals formed from them, are much more reactive. The amount of nitrate residue on products with. The nitrogen in nitrate fertilizers is in the form of the nitrate ion, NO. Of those who eat 50 grams processed meat (about three rashers of bacon) daily, the chance is seven out of 100. Difference Between Sodium and Potassium. Therefore, commercial urea is checked and quality controlled so that biuret content can be kept below danger levels. Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate is a white crystalline solid. Potassium nitrate was isolated from guano by soaking it in water, filtering it, and harvesting the pure crystals that grow. The lower the pH value (i.e. Pure kainite has the chemical composition kcl.MgSO4.3H2O, but in nature, it rarely occurs as such. However, tobacco, vegetables like tomato, potatoes, celery, asparagus, onion, cucumber, lettuce, broad beans and fruits like gooseberry, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, mango, avocado, peach, pomegranate and a number of other crops sensitive to chloride are not recommended to be treated with ammonium chloride. 4. This is because they arent protein-rich foods and also contain protective components like vitamin C, polyphenols and fibre, which have all been shown to reduce nitrosamine formation. Nitrates act as oxidizing agents. Saltpeter or Potassium Nitrate Facts. 3. Potassium nitrate is an inorganic salt which has a molecular KNO3 formula. Though the words salt" and "sodium" are often used interchangeably, they do not mean the same thing. It may be produced in a similar manner from urine or manure. Conjugate Acid. sodium is an element while sodium nitrate is a compound. Ammonium nitrate is ideal for most crops, except for wetland rice, since it contains both ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen. Sodium nitrate is the chemical compound with the formula Na N O 3.This alkali metal nitrate salt is also known as Chile saltpeter (large deposits of which were historically mined in Chile) to distinguish it from ordinary saltpeter, potassium nitrate.The mineral form is also known as nitratine, nitratite or soda niter.. This removes calcium and magnesium salts as precipitates, leaving a potassium nitrate solution. Found in vegetables like beets, nitrites also help us form nitric oxide, which lowers blood pressure (Credit: Getty). All of the available N is immediately available for plant uptake as nitrate in such soils, requiring no further microbial action or soil transformation. It is water-soluble. The chemical reaction between ammonia and phosphoric acid produces urea ammonium phosphate (UAP). Crushed limestone reacts with nitric acid to produce calcium nitrate. Crystalline ASN can cake in storage and must be broken up before being used.An ASN application can be applied prior to sowing, during sowing, or as a side or top dressing.A mixed ammoniacal or nitrate source of nitrogen, it has a slightly lower leaching risk than ammonium nitrate. Sodium chloride is also abundant and cheap, while potassium nitrate is more expensive and less commonly available. It is almost completely water soluble and contains 15% calcium. Sodium has an atomic weight of 22.98.0C; on the other hand, potassium has an atomic weight of 28.98.0C. It is best to correct magnesium deficiencies before plant establishment, using a variety of soil application treatments such as dolomitic limestone, kieserite, and various potassium magnesium fertilizers. Potassium nitrate is chemically defined by crystallizing sodium nitrate and potassium chloride solutions. Evaporating the liquid yielded the chemical, which was used to make gunpowder. Retrieved 3/9/2013. He quotes the magazine New English Weekly: "It is always good to see the difference between natural and laboratory products emphasized, in recognition of the . Multinutrient fertilizers are made by drying and granulating the product, sometimes with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers.SSP is grey or brown, typically granular for ease of storage and application. Common potassium fertilizers are potassium chloride (muriate of potash), potassium sulphate (sulphate of potash), and potassium magnesium sulphate. Due to its high phosphorus content, DAP is used more extensively and in crops where the phosphate requirement is relatively high; on the other hand, MAP is usually mixed with additional nitrogen and potassium intermediates due to its wide N:P205 ratio. Do not boil the solution. Terms and Conditions of, Increases resistance to drought and disease, Aids chlorophyll formation and phosphorus metabolism, Aids carbohydrate transport and cell division, Aids nitrogen fixation and nitrate assimilation. In contrast to this, soils derived from sandstones and shales that are noncalcareous in humid areas may contain little calcium. Potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride are used widely to treat tooth sensitivity. Potassium nitrate is a white solid substance that is soluble in water. As with sulfates, the federal government does regulate the amount of nitrate in drinking water. If you liked this story,sign up for the weekly features newsletter, called If You Only Read 6 Things This Week. Potassium nitrate, sodium fluoride, strontium chloride, and NovaMin technologies for dentin hypersensitivity March 15, 2011 While there are many forms of treatment for dentin hypersensitivity, Maria Perno Goldie, RDH, MS, focuses on four types of dentin desensitizers and at home products. In nature, potassium sulphate occurs as langbeinite, a double salt with magnesium (K2SO4.2MgSO4), but it can also be manufactured by the action of sulfuric acid on potassium chloride.White crystalline salt, potassium sulphate is free-flowing and contains 48 to 52 per cent potash (K2O) and 18 per cent sulfur. Ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate nitrate, and calcium ammonium nitrate are examples of common straight fertilizers of this type. Humans have been using saltpeter for thousands of years. Levels can vary up to 10,000-fold for lettuce, and nitrates within drinking water can also vary considerably within the legal limit (50mg/litre), saysnutritional epidemiologistGunter Kuhlne of the UKs Reading University. For the sodium hydroxide method: Place 80 grams of ammonium nitrate in a tall container and pour 40 grams of sodium hydroxide on top. Soda ash is treated with nitric acid to make synthetic sodium nitrate.For acidic soils, sodium nitrate is particularly useful.Sodium nitrate is a crystalline white substance that is highly soluble in water. If all of that is true, then sodium nitrate would yield a higher percentage of nitrates compared to potassium nitrate. Purified potassium nitrate contains 13.0% nitrogen and 36.4% potassium.Potassium nitrate is a powerful oxidizer. It contains approximately nitrogen (N) and 46% potassium (K2O), which is preferred for plants. Nitride, Nitrite, and Nitrate Ions (Difference and Formulas) 28 related questions found. Mixtures of metal/nonmetal nitrates with alkyl esters may explode, owing to the formation of alkyl nitrates; mixtures of a nitrate with phosphorus, tin (II) chloride or other reducing agents may react explosively [Bretherick 1979 p. 108-109]. It contains 21 per cent of nitrogen.It is a greyish-white powdery substance that decomposes in moist soil, producing ammonia.In addition to acting as a nitrogen fertilizer, it also kills insects, soil parasites, and harmful fungi, and hence also functions as an effective pesticide and fungicide. Still, while the nitrates found in ham are chemically identical to those in the salad you might eat with it, its the vegetable-based ones you should shoot for. Powdered TSP tends to cake, but granulated TSP has excellent storage and handling properties and is free-flowing. At normal temperatures and atmospheric pressure, ammonia (82 percent nitrogen) is a colourless, pungent and toxic gas. (iii) Compound fertilizers OR Mixed fertilizers : As the name implies, compound or mixed fertilizers consist of granules or blends of different single-nutrient fertilizers. Potassium and sodium are electrolytes that help your body function normally by maintaining fluid and blood volume. Pour off the ammonium chloride solution, leaving the potassium nitrate crystals. If you want to eat the right kinds of nitrates and nitrites and avoid the potentially carcinogenic ones, then eat a widely varied diet with at least five servings a day of fruit and vegetables, and avoid nibbling on processed meats too often. There are two types of liquid mixed fertilizers: clear liquids and suspension fertilizers. Prolonged exposure of the material to fire or heat may result in an explosion. Potassium nitrate has many uses. Both are legal preservatives which suppress harmful bacteria in bacon, ham, salami and some cheeses. UK Food Standards Agency: "Current EU approved additives and their E Numbers". Most important, they inhibit the growth of dangerous microbes such as Clostridium botulinum, the bacteria that causes botulism. Additional nitrogen can then be added, in the form of ammonium nitrate, along with potassium chloride or sulphate, to achieve the desired NPK analysis. It is one of the principal ingredients in gunpowder. Excessive potassium application can worsen magnesium deficiency. Unlike sodium nitrate it is non-deliquescent. When applied to soil, the potassium ion is adsorbed and retained by soil colloids, so there is little possibility of leaching. But a solution of KNO3 is neutral since it is salt of a strong acid (HNO3) and a strong base (NaOH). It is a fertilizer, food preservative, gunpowder component, tree stump remover, and rocket propellant. 1.Introduction. In addition, it is commonly used for polyhouse plant production and hydroponic culture. However, theres an important difference between the way nitrates and nitrites are packaged in meat versus from vegetables and that affects whether theyre carcinogenic, too. This is the source of the iconic pink color of cured hams. Although it is still used in many countries, it has been and is being replaced by more concentrated phosphorus fertilizers and by complex fertilizers.It is made In a specially designed reaction vessel, finely ground rock phosphate is mixed with concentrated sulphuric acid. About 62.5 per cent of it is ammonium sulphate, 37.5 per cent is ammonium nitrate, and contains 26 per cent nitrogen and 12.1 per cent sulphur.ASN can be crystalline or granular. You might also like: Are any foods safe to eat anymore? Additionally, it may be a good choice for saline soils as well as in poly house where chloride accumulation can be a problem. In addition to their high analysis, APP solutions allow for the addition of large quantities of micronutrients without precipitation. In the granulator, additional ammonia and urea are added to the ammonium phosphate slurry. Carrots are one rich source of nitrates, which they acquire from the soil they grow in (Credit: Getty). Ammonium phosphate sulphate is a free-flowing substance that is usually not difficult to handle and store. Biuret, a toxic impurity, is sometimes found in urea. The process involves burying animal or human excrement in the ground and then watering it so that eventually saltpeter appeared on the ground from efflorescence. In order to increase soil contact and dissolution, rock phosphate is finely ground for direct application. Because of its highly water soluble nature, it is a good candidate for foliar nutrient application. Almost equal quantities of monocalcium phosphate and calcium sulfate (gypsum) are present in SSP. On neutral or alkaline soils, phosphorus from rock phosphate is almost unavailable to crops.The capacity of crops to use rock phosphate for phosphorus varies somewhat depending on the soil type on which they are grown. These elements are not mentioned here. US Food and Drug Administration: "Food Additives and Ingredients". It is non-deliquescent, unlike sodium nitrate, and is a common desensitizing agent. When properly packaged and stored, cakes do not form. However, low water-solubility phosphates are suitable only for long duration crops such as sugarcane or grassland, and for acid soils. Potassium magnesium sulphate has 22-30 per cent K2O, 10-19 per cent MgO, 16-23 per cent Sulphur. Build up if sulfate in the system as well. Turnips, sweet clover, mustard, tea, rubber, and coffee are the most efficient users of rock phosphate, while cotton, rice, wheat, barley, and potatoes are the least efficient.It is essential to maximize contact with the soil, so rock phosphates should be broadcast, not placed. or you dont do water changes. Theyre probably less likely to be something youd associate with dinner. But when urea is applied on the surface level of the soil, then majority of ammonia might get lost in the atmosphere due to volatilization. Continuous application of ammoniacal fertilizers can increase soil acidity. One of the most significant examples of amide fertilizer is urea. Fertilizers can also be classified on the basis of physical form i.e. The MCLG for nitrate in drinking water is 10 parts per million, or 10 milligrams per liter. It may lose some of its ammonia to the atmosphere before it can be absorbed by the soil due to its instability, particularly when applied as top dressing to calcareous or alkaline soils. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It exhibits the characteristics of nitrogen fertilizers containing ammonium as well as highly water-soluble phosphate. The upshot? Walkerma [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Saltpeter is the natural mineral source of the chemical potassium nitrate, KNO3. The most common potassium fertilizer is potassium chloride, but potassium sulphate is used to a lesser extent for specific crops. Unlike in vegetables, the nitrites in processed meats are in close proximity to proteins (Credit: Getty). Its also important to keep the dangers of processed meat in context. Although the uptake of calcium, sulphur, and magnesium by plants is quite substantial, it is rarely as large as those of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It is used for making potassium nitrate, fertilizers, explosives, in the production of high-strength glass, some limited pharmaceuticals and to preserve meats. Sodium nitrate can be found in plants and unregulated drinking water. As mentioned, potassium chloride and potassium citrate treat different conditions. She has taught science courses at the high school, college, and graduate levels. It is an excellent fertilizer that can be applied to all soil types and crops. Sulphide injury can occur if ammonium sulphate is used in highly reduced conditions or on acid-sulphate soils. As verbs the difference between salt and nitrate The density of NaNO3 is 2.257 grams/cubic centimetre. The production and use of complex fertilizers is therefore on the rise and accounts for a considerable proportion of world fertilizer consumption. The slag may contain up to 18 per cent P205, and it also has considerable liming value.Basic slag contains wter-insoluble but citric-acid soluble phosphate in the form of calcium silicophosphates; it is unstable and becomes available slowly, particularly in acid soils. Potassium nitrate is an ionic compound and exists as a crystalline solid at room temperature and pressure. Compound fertilizers perform essentially the same as their components. Sodium nitrate is the chemical compound with the formula NaNO3. In order for fertilizer phosphorus to be available to plants, it must be released in ionic form to the soil solution. It typically contains 17-20 percent total P205, of which over 90 percent is water-soluble; it also contains about 16 percent sulfur.There is a small amount of free acid in this SSP, so packaging should be able to prevent an acid attack. Nitrates consist of a nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms. It is made by reacting rock phosphate with hydrochloric acid and adding lime to produce a precipitate.The commercial product contains about 35 percent P205, a citrate-soluble but water-insoluble compound. Considering economic factors and whether liming is needed determines the choice of magnesium fertilizer. Examples of nitrates include: Potassium nitrate KNO3) Sodium nitrate (NaNO3) Ammonium nitrate ( NH4NO3) etc. The key difference between sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite is that sodium nitrate appears as colourless crystals whereas sodium nitrite appears as yellowish crystals. absorbents 2, 2022, It has the general formula of " K N O 3 " and a molecular mass of 101.1 g m o l 1. Nitrogen is turned into sodium. Ammonium chloride is either produced by neutralizing ammonia with hydrochloric acid or as a by-product of the manufacture of soda ash. (of a lead-acid battery) To accumulate a deposit of lead sulfate. Sodium nitrate is a naturally occurring chemical compound created during photosynthesis while sodium nitrite is synthetically made. SOme of the key potassium minerals are sylvinite (a mixture of sylvite (KCl) and halite (NaCl)), carnallite (KC1.MgCl2: :6H2O), kainite (KCl.MgSO4.3H2O), langbeinite (K2SO4.2MgSO4,) and nitre (KNO3). When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. What is the difference between an sodium and sodium nitrate? Helmenstine, A.M. (2016). This will minimize soil-fertilizer contact. As the most concentrated solid nitrogen fertilizer, urea has noticeable advantages in storage, transport, and handling. We dont need nearly as much protein as we consume Is a low-salt diet healthy? A liberal application of sodium nitrate over time or repeated applications of irrigation water with a high sodium chloride content may produce an alkaline soil in which sodium is the dominant cation instead of calcium. In the lab, it's easy to make potassium nitrate by reacting a mixture of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride in water. In addition to KNO3, the compounds sodium nitrate (NaNO3), calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2), and magnesium nitrate (Mg(NO3)2) are also sometimes referred to as saltpeter. The slurry thus produced is granulated, dried, screened, cooled and conditioned by a coating agent. Saltpeter is a common chemical, used for many products and science projects. Nitride noun (chemistry) A compound of nitrogen where nitrogen has an oxidation state of 3. An acidic effect is produced by ASN, which is intermediate between ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate 85 kg of limestone are needed to neutralize the effects of 100 kg of ASN. As they are soluble in water, care must be taken when applying them to the soil to prevent nitrogen loss through leaching. 75 percent of the nitrogen is in the form of ammonium, and 25 percent is in the form of nitrate. Sodium nitrate has limits, celery powder doesn't. The USDA doesn't regulate celery salt like it does chemically processed sodium nitrate. Retrieved 3/9/2012. Ammoniacal fertilizers contain nitrogen in the form of ammonium ions, NH4 +. These are physical mixtures of straight fertilizers. Belongs to the Following Reactive Group(s). Also, it is possible to produce liquid (solution) UAP directly, thereby avoiding drying costs. Pressurized solutions are made by combining ammonia with ammonium nitrate or urea or both, and may contain as much as 41 percent nitrogen. Granulation characteristics of nitrogen phosphates are good, and they are coated to minimize moisture absorption. A brief description of these fertilizers is given below. Sodium is very hard, whereas potassium is a soft element. I am going on the assumption that potassium nitrate is one K atom bonded to a NO3 molecule, and sodium nitrate is one Na atom bonded to a NO3 molecule. The nitrogen content of ammonium bicarbonarte fertilizer is 17 per cent. 59 kg of limestone is needed to offset the effect of 100 kg of ammonium nitrate. If large quantities of the material are involved in the fire or the combustible material is finely divided an explosion may result. As with sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate is preferably applied when crop growth is active to avoid leaching and loss.Because of its low concentration, its use as a fertilizer is limited. As TSP may contain free phosphoric acid, suitable packaging is required.As phosphorus fertilizers, TSP and SSP serve similar purposes, with the difference that TSP has a far higher concentration of nutrients and has much less sulfur. The soil magnesium content ranges from a trace to as much as 1 per cent. It occurs naturally as nitre in rocks in various parts of India, South Africa and Brazil. Its molar mass is 84.99/mole. The main nitrate fertilizers are ammonium, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts. However, it is not combustible itself. In order to ensure proper growth and development of the crop, it is necessary to determine whether the soil which the crop will be grown on contains sufficient micronutrients or if it is deficient in one or more micronutrients, and then to take corrective measures accordingly. It is alkaline in nature and contains 46 per cent chlorine. Columbia, S.C.: South Carolina Military Department. Nitrates are also the active ingredient in some medications for angina, a condition in which reduced blood flow causes chest pain. It contains 16 percent nitrogen and about 20% P2O5. SOP, on the other hand, provides one macronutrient (K) and one secondary nutrient (S), which reduces its nutritional value to the plant. Ham. It is possible that, in some circumstances, nitrogen from urea ammonium phosphate will be less effective. Some Asian countries, particularly China, use ammonium bicarbonate to a limited extent. Cross adds that its a reasonable assumption that nitrates in leafy greens are less likely to be harmful (ie to form nitrosamines). Differences. Generally, saltpeter refers to the natural mineral, while potassium nitrate refers to the purified compound. The intermediates are usually in powder form or are slurries that are fed into a granulating plant, typically a large rotating drum. Leafy greens like spinach and rocket tend to be top of the crop for nitrate content, with other rich sources include celery and beetroot juices, and carrots. The powdered product cakes in storage. Potassium nitrate has many uses. As nouns the difference between salt and nitrate is that salt is a common substance, chemically consisting mainly of sodium chloride (nacl), used extensively as a condiment and preservative while nitrate is (chemistry) any salt or ester of nitric acid. We also know that this may be particularly important in older people, since natural nitric oxide production via arginine tends to drop with ageing. The molar mass of nitrite is 46.01 g/mol. Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2022, March 2). However, the amount of phosphate-rich slag has been declining as the steel industry is adopting modern technologies and also the ores used to manufacture steel. It is an inorganic chemical that is soluble in water. The potassium content is generally about 50%, and the sulfur content is generally about 18%. And potassium citrate is used for certain types of kidney stones. The Saltpeter Principle. 80 Kg of limestone will be able to offset the acidic effect of 100 Kg of urea. potassium nitrate (KNO3), also called saltpetre or nitre, an ionic white crystalline salt made up of potassium ions and nitrate ions. Salts of nitrate are ionic compounds composed of nitrate ion bonded . Potassium nitrate can be produced through a double replacement reaction between potassium chloride and sodium nitrate or ammonium nitrate: the by-products of these reactions are sodium chloride and ammonium chloride, respectively. Biuret-rich urea has been shown to adversely affect the germination and growth of wheat and maize seeds. The potassium nitrate is neutral and the potassium nitrite is alkaline. Under humid tropical conditions, CAN poses storage problems, so it is stored in air-conditioned silos. Nitrate noun The univalent anionic group NO3, derived from nitric acid, or a compound containing this group. It contains well written, well thought and well explained computer science and programming articles, quizzes and practice/competitive programming/company interview Questions. One major difference between sodium chloride and potassium nitrate is their use. . A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Capital, and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. Phosphorus is an important component of the earths crust, but has been concentrated over geological time in deposits of phosphate rock (formed mostly from aquatic organism remains). Nitrates are mainly produced for use as fertilizers in agriculture because of their high solubility and biodegradability. Its also critical that the components of granular mixtures are homogenous in size and shape to avoid segregation. Magnesium is well supplied to arid areas or soils with high clay content, while sandy soils in high rainfall areas tend to have a low magnesium content because leaching removes it. Sodium nitrate is the chemical compound with the formula NaNO 3. and molecular mass of 84.9947 g/mol. Basic slag is a by-product of the steel industry. Basic slag is not hygroscopic and stores well, but powder application can be very dusty; it may also be difficult to achieve uniform application. It is noncombustible but it will accelerate the burning of combustible materials. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Storage of aqua ammonia can be achieved with ordinary storage tanks as opposed to stainless steel storage tanks in the case of Anhydrousammonia, which can be costly. An aqueous solution of NH4NO3 is acidic as it is a salt of a strong acid (HNO3) and a weak base (NH3). The amount or level of nutrients required for optimum growth of the plant is called the critical level. Manage Settings Second, their acidity and alkalinity are also different. APP is completely soluble in water. Sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate is a white crystalline solid. It also contains 20-45% calcium oxide (CaO), This contains 7% MgO and 20% Nitrogen and 15% Sulphur, This contains 9-33% MgO and 26-58% calcium oxide (CaO), This contains 10-18% MgO, 22-30% potassium oxide (K2O) and 16-22% sulphur(S). Sodium nitrite, on the other hand, is a salt and antioxidant that is commonly used to cure ham and bacon. In foods that are cured and dried over an extended period, it's vital that the nitrites are formed slowly. As compared with potassium and calcium, magnesium uptake by crops is much lower. A Computer Science portal for geeks. When soil biomass breaks down, it is mineralized into the sulfate form that crops can absorb. The typical APP solutions in the USA have analyses of 11-33-0, 10-34-0, 12-40-0, and 8-27-0; however, granular products can be produced with nutrient contents of up to 15-61-0, depending on the acid purity used. The production process used determines the ratio of ammonium, nitrate and urea nitrogen. Potassium nitrate is white in color and soluble in water; it has a vitreous luster and a cool and salty taste. Sources of Saltpeter Plants have been observed to have biuret for months. Generally, the entire potassium requirement can be applied as a basal dose, but in sandy soils, high rainfall areas, and wetland rice, a split application is preferred. Sodium has an atomic number of 11 while potassium has an atomic number of 19 Despite smaller atomic number, sodium is denser than potassium Potassium reacts much more violently with water While excess of sodium is harmful for us, low levels of potassium have also been found to be associated with certain disorders of lungs and heart. Sodium Metabisulfite can be used interchangeably with potassium metabisulfite. The two of them contain different elements. Biuret toxicity has been reported for multiple crops. By reacting ammonia with superphosphoric acid, ammonium polyphosphates (APP) are produced. So, more energy is needed to break the bond between potassium chloride than potassium nitrate. Atoms. The use of potassium magnesium sulphate is especially recommended for acidic soils and soils deficient in magnesium. Concentrations achievable are considerably lower than with solid fertilizers, for example about 9-9-9 compared with 17-17-17. It creates a distinct flavor, controls lipid oxidation, and acts as an antimicrobial. Potassium chloride is a crystalline white salt, but the colour of fertilizer grade potassium chloride ranges from white to red depending on the amount of impurities in the potash minerals.