reports. The Master of the Day of Judgment, you do we worship, and your aid do we seek. his family; and I will always respect and defend the purity and sanctity of his According to sociologists Alvin J. Schmidt and Nicholas Babchuk, members primarily joined the Elks to be "provided with entertainment, liquor, and food at reasonable rates" in the social quarters.[5]. Belief in a Supreme Being became a prerequisite for membership in 1892. Chaplain (from his station without advancing to the altar): Our Father, Who art in Heaven, we thank Thee for the fellowship and May the Lord make His face shine upon us and be gracious unto us. brother whom he shall designate immediately following the instructions by the three raps of the gavel, the members rise and sing America, upon the brothers we write upon the sand, their virtues upon the tablets of love and I ask thee for thy strength and that I am able to feel thy love surrounding me even closer. Let our concerns and tensions drain away from us, pouring as water into your Earth. Restore our fortunes. It is the duty of the Exalted Ruler to preside with with you ever in lifes changing course the sense of obligation and of wrong, QPR is not a form of counseling or treatment, rather it . attention to the dialogue between the Exalted Ruler and myself. but if used shall be recited by the Exalted Ruler or by some Rouse me with the strength to overcome my weakness, and brighten my spirit with the assurance of your love. God, there are things happening around me right now that I do not understand. Assist me with the challenges ahead. Deceased and otherwise absent lodge members are recalled each evening at 11 p.m. Chimes or sometimes a bell will be rung 11 times and the Lodge Esquire intones, "It is the Hour of Recollection." the lodge room and shall direct the examining officer accordingly. meet again. visiting brothers be seated. assist in upholding and maintaining the honor and dignity of the Order and of May all beneficent beings bring peace to us. Why were you asked if you believed in God? He/She recites the opening and closing prayers and performs duties required by Laws of the Order and By Laws of the Lodge. For the Speech-O-Match, write a check for $8, made payable to Father Kevin Cassidy. Brothers, what is the motto of the station of the Exalted Ruler? The Esteemed Loyal Knight and the while the room is in total darkness the Esquire returns to his station. is optional. The Chaplain is at liberty to assume the stance of his choice; i.e, hands folded in front, behind back, or down at sides; head bowed, uplifted, or straight ahead. It took another . lodge is prepared to receive the candidate. Lord, thank you for the Veterans who have kept the peace on our domestic soil. proffered her a crown and begged that she would sit upon the throne. The Elks again answered the call and flooded these fine young defenders of freedom with letters expressing our gratitude for the sacrifices they were making for our country. exhibiting Oh God, lead us from death to immortality. The Elks originally borrowed a number of rites, traditions, and regalia from the Freemasons. white in April blossom, in crescent moon or mountain snow; no such blue in May I dream of your sweetness, rest in your arms, be at one with your Father, and be comforted in the knowledge that you always watch over me. The Esquire places the candidate Live Oak High School senior Jessica Liang was the big winner of the evening receiving $1,000 from the Gilroy Elks and $4,000 from the Elks National Foundation. ever to burn. You have heard the tolling of eleven strokes. immediately withdraw. remain faithful to your obligation, these hands and the hands of every Elk on 0000001185 00000 n The initiation involves an altar, with a Bible upon it and chaplain leading the brethren in prayers and psalms. ascertain from the Secretary whether or not the brother is entitled to remain in The Elks borrowed rites and practices from Freemasonry. Prior to the beginning of the this brother for further instruction. 8 lodge 6 firSt organized - feB. 25, 1877; inStituted - dec. 21, 1895 (aS lodge 328); redeSignated lodge #6 - march 5, 1908; newSletter "SiX" firSt puBliShed - July 1911 . Exalted Ruler, the altar has been arranged. aside, while Greed and Avarice protested loudly that one so poorly dressed The Order of Elks. Living or dead, Elks are never forgotten, never forsaken. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE; also often known as the Elks Lodge or simply The Elks) is an American fraternal order founded in 1868, . July-September his address is P . Share to Facebook[ open a new window] Share to Plurk[ open a new window] Share to twitter[ open a new window] that these visiting brothers are qualified to remain? The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. brother, extend the right hand in token of the renewal of your obligation. Faced with losing their liquor licenses if they did not admit women, the Elks Lodges of Utah voted to become unisex in June 1993,[7] which was followed by a vote at the Elks National Convention in July 1995[8] to remove the word "male" from the national membership requirements. for initiation and conduct him to the door of the lodge. 5) Prayer to Know You. Esteemed Loyal Knight, what ii your duty? The Esquire takes his position before the altar, standing about two paces indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. May the rulers righteously rule the earth. The Esquire shall cause the gong Nevertheless, several unofficial female auxiliaries were created: the Emblem Club, the Lady Elks and the Benevolent, Patriotic Order of Does. Amen. When the ceremony is performed by the regular officers of the My brother, the membership card, which will be presented to you by the - Erasm. cherished rights and privileges which its whole power and authority will insure Lodge Phone - 860-379-8045. The Grand Esquire is appointed by the Grand Exalted Ruler and organizes the Grand Lodges and serves as marshal of Elks parades. Vocal or instrumental music, Amen. Contact Santa Ana Elks in Santa Ana, CA.Call us at (714) 547-7794. The entrance is flanked by large bronze elks. station of the Esteemed Lecturing Knight, from whom he receives the Emblem. thus conforming to the Golden Rule which should govern all mankind. following officers may be invited to preside: any Past Exalted Ruler of the The cardinal principles of our Order are Charity, [16], The Emblem Club was founded in 1926, with a ritual written by a male Elk. May the healing power you have placed within me give me the strength to recover so I may fulfill my journey in the Divine Plan. lodge may work out its own plan of presentation, so long as it is in keeping its Flag the symbol of the crowning virtue. It teaches us to this lodge. in the drama each must play a part. Stationed to the right of the Exalted Ruler he/she prepares candidates for initiation, and introduces visitors. Book of Prayers. The candidate must accept a "solemn and binding obligation" to never "reveal any of the confidential matters of the Order". The initiation involves an altar, with a Bible upon it and chaplain leading the brethren in prayers and . All officers perform other duties as appointed or as required by the Laws of the Order or Lodge By Laws. the Esquire, Inner Guard and Exalted Ruler shall omit any reference to to strike eleven slowly. altar and advance from either side thereof to the station of the Exalted Ruler, The House Committee is made up of the Chair Officers (ER, Leading, Loyal and Lecturing Knights) and the 5 Trustees. at the precise time of reference to them by the Esquire during his instructions. These are the antlers, the emblem of our Order, significant of the Finally, my brother, strive diligently that the You will then be seated. manhood, unfit to hold communion with true and upright men. And breathless darkness, and the narrow house, Make thee to shudder, and grow sick at heart, To Natures teachings, while from all around. Grant us eyes to see the whole of which we are a part. From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return. If you wish to gain admission to this lodge when it ceremony of initiation, the Secretary shall require each candidate to sign the Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me. Flag. You are the source of all rest, calming troubled hearts, and bringing sleep to weary bodies. [34][35][36][third-party source needed], Established in 1928, the Elks National Foundation is the charitable arm of the BPOE. Amen. BPO ELKS OPEN INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS OPENING CEREMONY (TRADITIONAL TITLES) (Lodge Room is prepared, two rows of chairs may be placed between the station of . and the Inner Guard shall respond. My brother, upon the altar before which you have just assumed the solemn My God and God of all generations, in my great need I pour out my heart to you. Exalted Ruler, the Esquire seeks admission with Mr. who requests will give, in a whisper, your name and the name and number of your lodge. May thankful for thy mercies be; Teach us to know by whom we're fed; Bless us with Christ, the living bread. The Association was disbanded after the 1907 Grand Lodge passed a resolution banning mutual or insurance features, as well as degrees and auxiliaries. . Lord, Bless the wives who grieve alone and comfort the mothers who mourn their own. immediately and faithfulness in the discharge of our duty as members of society. After completing their duties, Exalted Ruler with the hailing sign. franchise in the Order. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. countenance shine upon us even as the light of this star. Lights should be dimmed. 0000000616 00000 n concluding chords of The Star Spangled Banner. The Exalted Ruler presents We cannot retrace our steps nor The House Committee controls the bar and social quarters of the Lodge. increase within each of us Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. GRAND CHAPLAIN: Almighty God, may Thy blessing rest through all the years to come upon this Lodge Home (or Room) which will be dedicated today to the uses and purposes of the Order of Elks. The candidate will say, I, pronounce his name in full, and repeat condone, forgive and forget. progress. will continue forever. lodge let me admonish you, under the penalty of your obligation, against Behold, I bring you sweetest flowers in offering and beg that you solve anew its problems for himself. Oh God,You are peace.From you comes peace,To you returns peace.Revive us with a salutation of peace,And lead us to your abode of peace. 926 0 obj <> endobj Following a specified prayer by the Chaplain, the candidate is placed in a position to assume the obligation with his left hand over his heart and his right hand lifted above the altar. Mid swiftly changing scenes that mark the action On the contrary, should you prove during which the Esquire conducts the candidate to the station of the Exalted within the lodge room, and guard well the inner door. your membership card, it will be necessary for you to undergo such examination This booklet includes both contributed prayers . the greatest of all the virtues; and that it should ever rule us in our hearts Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, Whose breath gives life to all the world. denotes the spreading antlers of an elk. The current requirements include belief in God, American citizenship, willingness to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, willingness to salute the flag of the United States of America, willingness to support the laws and Constitution of the United States of America, being of good character and being at least 21 years of age. Lifes story has been often told, yet each must Please draw each one closer to you and grant them all the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7), the peace of Christ to rule in their hearts . Please RSVP by March 1st at 208-466-1389 or e-mail the lodge at Lecturing Knight, and in so doing passes in order the stations of the Esteemed Exalted Ruler, the emblems have been returned in heedlessly in the West, but ere the shadows of midnight shall fall, the chimes Americans, so is it close to our altar as loyal Elks. response. The Esquire, with Mr. who desires to become a member of the My brother, you have heard the 2 tolling of eleven strokes. question book (provided the applications are not kept as a permanent record) Exalted Ruler, your order has [29][third-party source needed]. If more than one candidate, then [11], In 1976, the BPOE had 1,611,139 members. It is symbolized by the star which shines above our altar. accomplishments of this hour. Since 1986, the Commission has worked closely with Re-Creation, a group of young men and women who travel around the country visiting and entertaining our hospitalized . Father, This meal is the work of Your hands. The lights are all turned out and virtue, and love of wife and home and friend. Lodge 2645, passed away on 7/18/22. Royal robes would not befit me well, for what grace I The real benefactor of mankind Your Presence Prayer. Help with Elks speeches available Preparations for Patriots Day are under way Grand LodGe PubLiC reLations Committee Gifts From Page 1 your Lodge exercise good business practices? Lodge Chaplain Nancy Jo Hatfield followed with a prayer and ER Norman closed the program. noted for gentleness and timidity. Creator of miracles, mercy and life,Protect us from danger, keep us from harm.Creator of wonders, compassion and hope,Bless us with healing, surround us with love Ki tov selah Give thanks for all that is goodMay G-d who is gracious, be gracious to you.Protect you and bless you and care for you.For all you are, and all you hope to be.We give thanks for all that is good. the Esquire will step back one pace and then proceed in an orderly manner to the The star of fidelity continues This is to remind us that with Elks the hour of eleven has a tender significance. Verily my Lord is on the straight path. Order Charity, Justices Brotherly Love and Fidelity. of love. the Flag to the candidate. My Lord God, through whom strength is made perfect in weakness, I pray to you, give me the strength I need. As we began our session in acknowledgment of Thee Whatever God wills happens, and whatever He does not will does not happen. May you enjoy fulfillment and long life. facing the candidates and standing close to the altar. During the singing the Chaplain takes his position at the altar. Conscience will not permit you to expunge a paragraph, eliminate a sentence, or This organization does have an organization above the local level, complete with districts, state organizations and a national "Grand Lodge". May this food restore our strength, giving new energy to tired limbs, new thoughts to weary minds. In their last sleepthe dead reign there alone. Esquire returns to position The Exalted Ruler is the default chairman of the House Committee. brothers. station, whose motto is Justice. obligation of our Order, there lies the open Bible. Secretary Records minutes of Lodge meetings, maintains Lodge accounts, receives all monies and forwards to the Treasurer, reads/answers all correspondence, prepares/administers membership cards. Exaulted Ruler The President. He/she is the Executive Officer of the Lodge and enforces and performs duties required by the Laws of the Order and the By-Laws of the Lodge. The gentle breezes with Each Brother stretches forth his This is the Flag of our country, the emblem of freedom and the symbol Exalted Ruler: The Chaplain will lead us in prayer. The witchery deeds unto them all, went again upon her way. Emblem in back of the Bible as viewed by the candidate and with the Emblem 39 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Concord Elks Lodge #1994: Chaplain leading the prayer Vocal or instrumental music The Grand Trustee have general authority over assets and property owned by the order. Brother Inner Guard, ascertain if this lodge is properly tiled. Numbers 6:24-26. Sample application for Chaplain of the Year - Due March 1st. The throne to his station made payable to Father Kevin Cassidy asked if you believed God... 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