You should never let these dogs off-leash at the park! Demodectic mange is regularly seen in Italian Greyhound puppies and adolescents. A skin disease called color dilution alopecia is common in blue (gray) Italian Greyhounds. Always keep it in a securely fenced area or on leash to prevent it from running off to chase perceived prey. We hope this website is helpful to you. Spend some time around Italian greyhounds, too, if possible. Dog Health Care The Sensible Way Male dogs with this condition are prone to testicular cancer. To decide whether an Italian Greyhound is the right breed for you, its important to know what to expect. While diluted colors like blue and some shades of fawn are very popular at the moment, dogs with diluted pigment may develop a condition known as color dilution alopecia (also called CDA). To read most recent questions Click here! It may keep growing weeks after your skin heals. Pasted as rich text. Also, bumps usually occur on the head, legs, ear, and near the abdominal area in dogs. Use a humidifier or a bubbling dog fountain to add moisture to the air. Does your adult dog need yearly booster shots? Furthermore, if you live in a cold climate, keep outdoor time brief in chilly weather. If you notice these signs, you must immediately take your Italian Greyhound to the vet. Italian greyhounds love napping in a cozy spot, but they also need regular exercise to be healthy and happy. Another symptom is dilated pupils. Dog training videos. Types of Lumps and Bumps. When I pull back his hair to look at the bump I can't really see any type of head or redness, it's just a bump in his skin. I work at a vet clinic and we see all sorts of skin problems and irritations but never have had one with bumps afer being out in the cold! Have you been told that you must neuter your male Italian Greyhound? A health survey of over 700 Italian Greyhounds revealed that 15% have broken a leg. to sometimes make it deceivingly normal or abnormal if one isnt familiar with these differences. 96sf~%G_|sbe She is not in any pain and is not acting any different. I've seen them for a few weeks, however, I haven't seen as many as I noticed yesterday. This hereditary disease is called enamel hypoplasia (lack of enamel). Keratosis pilaris can occur at any age, but it's more common in young children. I would be afraid you're seeing hives-an allergic reaction to something. Tail Italian Greyhounds' tails are set and carried low. Because of the lack of hair dogs with CDA might need to wear clothes more often and sometimes have skin problems like dry and flaky skin. She is a little young to get a tumor,a type of tumor called histiocytomas can occur in young animals. Some Italian Greyhounds have a genetic predisposition for this condition. Quote. Any thoughts? Coat Color They come in many different coat colors, including gray, sable, red, black, cream and blue. Vitreous degeneration may predispose a dog to other eye diseases (retinal dysplasia, lens luxation, or glaucoma). Food allergies and flea allergies are the most common types. A common remedy is to pinch the dogs nose and scratch their neck to induce swallowing. Therefore it is important, diluted colors like blue and some shades of fawn. Promoting responsible dog breeding and pet care, I can't imagine what it would be. It causes patchy hair loss resulting in a moth-eaten look, along with chronic skin infections that require medicated baths. Keratosis Pilaris: Rough Bumps on Your Arms, Legs, or Cheeks. Should your female Italian Greyhound be spayed? Some are better than others, but I must be honest I'm not a huge fan of dry or canned dog food. Check its nails about once a month to see whether they need a trim. Something went wrong. Welcome! Feed a nutritionally balanced canine diet. Therefore we have put together the 10 most common health issues amongst Italian Greyhounds so you know how they may affect a dog and what can be done about them. Better yet, switch your Italian Greyhound to a real-food diet, which will provide all those essential fatty acids. The dogs vision will gradually worsen until they go completely blind. Nutrition and Exercise to Extend an Italian Greyhound's Lifespan Dec 20, 2009 at 9:30am. If the vitreous develops an inflammation, it may become cloudy or liquefied, and vision may be impaired or lost. Follow my daily adventures and receive helpful tips & tricks for owning an Iggy. Of course it can never be fully prevented but at least it minimizes the risk of health issues a lot. Carmine Montuori, 52, moved to Bristol from Italy nine years ago - and runs an independent Italian restaurant. In this case, it could be epilepsy. Protect her delicate skin from drying drafts and outdoor chill. But even the vet might not find a cause for the seizures. But now he fears his firm will close in a matter of weeks amid soaring food costs. We know of many Iggies who have lived a long and happy life without ever breaking a leg. They have moderate watchdog tendencies but are usually very open to meeting strangers. Papules. When we were at the vet for something else, we asked him to take a look. Moreover, make an effort to socialize your Italian greyhound ideally from an early age. Please note, this site is currently under construction and will re-launch early in 2023. Some dogs eagerly devour a fish oil capsule as a treat. Supplements have worked wonders for some dogs and even made the condition go away completely. So if your Iggys blood work is not in the normal range, it doesnt necessarily mean they are sick. The most common types of lumps or bumps found on puppies are warts, skin tags, button tumors, and abscesses. By removing the affected testicle, the risk can be eliminated. The vitreous is a clear jelly-like material within the eye that provides shape to the eye. Discuss the need for professional teeth cleanings with your vet as well. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Italian Greyhounds are prone to harmless episodes of reverse sneezing. Weight Male: 7-14 pounds Female: 7-14 pounds My best-selling book, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy shows you how to raise your Italian Greyhound in all the right ways that help prevent health problems. , its important to know what to expect. To make matters worse, entire lines of Italian Greyhounds tend to inherit soft, pointy, yellowish teeth that are prone to "going bad" at an early age. Greyhound Gap Junkie. Your link has been automatically embedded. Benson earned her Bachelor of Science degree at California Polytechnic University. Z;APh KjU-R6D Never came back. Home Tips Give your pup a healthy home environment. In most cases this doesnt bother the dog at all. These sleek dogs were bred to be companions. No, I haven't tried popping them. About Us When I pull back his hair to look at the bump I can't really see any type of head or redness, it's just a bump in his skin. Since it can be either one, you cannot lower your guard until the skin test results have come back. There are 4 grades of patella luxation, ranging from a mild form all the way to a severe form: Grade 1: The kneecap luxates with manual pressure but is otherwise within the groove. A hematoma is basically a big swollen bruise that can occur is she sustained some sort of injury. Its typical to feed two measured meals per day. An expert researcher and author of 15 books about dogs, she loves helping people choose, train, and care for their dogs. However it is not known to be harmful. The soft brush or grooming mitt distributes skin oil through her coat. Just keep in mind that your dog will probably have to be put under anesthesia which is always a risk and shouldnt be done too often. Dont forget about this small hounds high prey drive when heading outside. Some of the most common ones in dogs are (listed alphabetically): Fibrosarcoma Hemangiosarcoma Liposarcoma Lymphangiosarcoma Neurofibrosarcoma Osteosarcoma Schwannoma Synovial cell sarcoma It's not itchy and the skin and coat are otherwise normal. Lumps and bumps on a dog's skin can have many underlying causes, which owners often divide into two categories: cancer and everything else. Our greyhound has little bumps all over his body. Even thought the tissue is benign (non-cancerous), it is still abnormal tissue due to a breakdown in the normal turn-over rate of skin cells. Just make sure the hair loss is not caused by low thyroid level or demodex mites for example, so when your dog is loosing hair its best to see a vet and rule out other causes. And your reward is a contented dog. Sighthounds REQUIRE open space to run. But you should always discuss the recommended type and amount of food with your vet. He said it probably wasn't anything to worry about, but to keep an eye on them. Gayle. Learn how to create a happy, healthy home for your pet. And just how a long and thin twig can break easier than a tree stem, an Iggys leg is more likely to break than a Dachshunds leg. Have you tried to pop any and if so what is coming out of them? Perhaps the most common is pyoderma, which is characterized by pimple-like lesions; dry, scaly, crusty skin; hair loss; and itchiness. are very popular at the moment, dogs with diluted pigment may develop a condition known as color dilution alopecia (also called CDA). If your Iggie is allergic, her body reacts with symptoms such as dry skin, weepy eyes and itchy ears. However, there are health issues amongst the breed. Helping your Italian greyhound's skin is easy. A humidifier in the bedroom where she snuggles in your bed helps you and your Iggie, because added moisture often improves sleeping comfort. It does not sound like a typical location for where she would get a rabies shot so it is probably not a reaction to the shot. Italian Greyhound Rescue 2023 IGCA National Specialty September 14 to September 17, 2023 Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts Asheville 1 Resort Drive, Asheville, North Carolina 28806 2023 IGCA National Information Officers, Directors, Committee Chairs Effective February 1, 2023 6. It is common in dogs throughout the world. Typically a couple of short walks plus playtime throughout the day should suffice. They said they had a one that had something similar and used a specific shampoo on that greyhound and it went away after a few treatments. Normally it starts between 6 months to 3 years of age with hair loss down the middle of the back from head to tail (above the spine). Italian greyhounds can be sensitive and stubborn when it comes to harsh corrections, potentially shutting down and refusing to learn. With the help of an experienced surgeon your Iggy will be back to their normal crazy self very soon. Our local greyhound rescue place took him in for us this past weekend and they brought them up to our attention when we picked him up yesterday. These tumors generally appear as firm, solitary, dome-shaped elevated masses, which are often hairless or ulcerated. Otherwise they might build tartar and eventually lose their teeth at an early age. Finally survey found that the average lifespan of this breed is 9 years surprisingly low for a small dog. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Some health problems are inherited. Use a grooming mitt on the Italian greyhounds short, smooth coat roughly every week to remove loose fur and debris, and distribute skin oils. They're different sizes, some are pretty small, none are big, but big enough that when you look at him, you can see his fur protrude where the bump is. You wont know if your puppy is carrying the CDA gene. Another thing we wanted to mention is reverse sneezing. Itching is severe. Common types of bumps on the skin include papules, skin tags, angiomas, and hemangiomas. A sensitive tummy is not uncommon either. Hip and elbow dysplasia are rare in this breed. A cheaper alternative is to take the American Greyhound Council's recommendation and simply add up to one tablespoon of corn oil per day to the dog's food during the winter to counteract dry skin (if the dog get diarrhea, cut back on the amount of oil). Surgery is strongly advised. If your Italian greyhound's dry skin is thyroid-related, your vet will prescribe thyroid supplements to restore her skin and metabolic health. There is no cure for CDA. vickyb. You stroke her satiny coat and oops her skin feels dry. If they see something moving in the distance, they take off. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. It is typically associated with a skipping lameness when the knee cap moves. The most typical joint problem in Italian Greyhounds is luxating patella (loose knees), which can cause pain and lameness. : The kneecap is permanently luxated and cannot be manually replaced in the groove. Italian Greyhound Puppies and Dogs. Many owners have coats and sweaters to provide extra warmth for their dogs. They can live a long and happy life even with epilepsy. Just like other small breeds Italian Greyhounds are prone to dental problems. . Just know it is not the end of the world (even though it might feel like that at times). If her food and treats contain corn, soy or wheat, substitute other foods for a few weeks to see whether her skin improves. and sometimes have skin problems like dry and flaky skin. and distribute skin oils. Here's how to tell [read more], Assisi Loop Review Rashes on your dog's belly can present in a few ways. The height at the withers is 13 to 15 inches, and the weight is 7-14 pounds. Vet couldn't figure out what they were. The condition begins with small, red, round bumps on the skin. Consult your vet about essential fatty acid supplements or fish oil for your Iggies dry skin. Italian greyhounds generally have a sensitive and sociable personality. Immediately offer praise and/or a treat for positive behavior, and be consistent with your commands. But it can also be caused by an accident. Vetinfo: What is the Best Dog Dry Skin Remedy? They love to be around people and even get along well with other dogs. You do not have access to Unfortunately seizures are quite common for Italian Greyhounds. If it happens again, you should see a vet to rule out that there is not a severe illness that is causing the seizures. Even minor weight gain can be significant for such a small dog and put unnecessary pressure on its joints. Epilepsy is a serious concern in the breed, with up to 15% of the breed affected. It is characterized by rapid and repeated forced inhalation through the nose and snorting or gagging sounds. If it just happens once and didnt take longer than a few minutes, in most cases it will be enough to just monitor. These dogs were likely kept around for both companionship and small-game hunting. A skin disease called color dilution alopecia is common in blue (gray) Italian Greyhounds. Surgery is not advised if the dog is not exhibiting significant clinical signs. Cherry Angioma: Cherry Red . My Italian greyhound recently developed a lump that is not perfectly round, more of an oval shape and about the size of a quarter. If she is a kibble nibbler, sprinkle olive oil or canola oil on her food. : The kneecap luxates spontaneously. Chronic allergies cause itchy skin and often lead to bacterial skin infections (pyoderma). Brush or stroke her, removing loose hair and skin flakes. He has them on his head, some on his sides and on top, along his spine. For further information on owning an Italian greyhound, check out: Adaptable to different living situations, including small homes, Can be sensitive and stubborn about training. The Best dog dry skin Bachelor of Science degree at California Polytechnic.... Keratosis pilaris can occur at any age, but they also need regular to! Have n't seen as many as I noticed yesterday coat and oops her skin feels.. Anything to worry about, but they also need regular exercise to be around and... 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